Chapter 3

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You were stunned. His piercing blue eyes were cold, but had a hint of warmth to them like he was sympathizing with you. But right now you didn't notice because you were practically shaking in your boots. 

"Hey donut? Are you gonna take my order?" Gordon asks. 

He didn't yell but it still felt like a punch to the gut. 

"O-oh right." You cleared your throat. "S-so what can I get started for you?"

You begin writing down his order, while trying to be as natural in front of the cameras you can. Its kind of a hard feat when you've never been in front of so many before, but you decide to just keep your eyes on Gordon. 

After taking his order, you make your way over to the kitchen as fast as your feet can take you without running. 

When you get in there you notice all the chefs are running around like a chicken with it head cut off. This isn't good. . .

"Hey, I have Mr. Ramsay's order!" You yell, but no one hears/notices your presence. You sigh in annoyance. Can these fools get it together?! You attempt to gain their attention a few more times, but decide it was a lost cause. 

Alright guess I'll do it myself. You grabbed the utensils you needed, and the food you will need to prepare this dish. Since you work at a restaurant that mainly caters seafood and American food, Gordon ordered the calamary as an appetizer, a burger for his main course, and  Chocolate mouse for his dessert. 

Alright this will be easy peasy. 

Since you suck at the technical aspect of cooking, most people would think you were having a mental breakdown, but you knew what you were doing. 

                                                                       -Time Skip- 

The food looked delicious. You were very proud of what you created. 

Getting your nerves in order, you grab the calamary first and head to the dinning room. He's still sitting at his table contently, but when he sees you his eyes light up. 

This is it. . . I really hope he likes this. 

"Hello again Mr. Ramsay, today I have prepared you-" 

Gordon interrupts you, "Wait, wait, wait, you made this? I thought you were just the waiter?" 

You start sweating bullets, and clear your throat, "W-well the chefs were preoccupied, s-so I thought-"

He cuts you off once again, "Christ. This is going to be dreadful. Fine whatever." 

He grabs the plate from your hands and sets it on the table, looking very uninterested in the dish. You bite back tears, but you give a little nod and sluggishly head back to the kitchen. 

What a buzz kill. Damn I thought it looked delicious. 

You wait a few minutes before you go back to the dining room. You have your head down as you make your way to his table, so you don't notice the look on his face as you walk over. 

 When you are at his table side, you look up and see his eyes sparkling and his cheeks dusted with pink. Woah what happened while I was gone?  He looks like he's about to say something, so you give him all your attention.

"I-," he moans slightly, swiping his tongue across his lips in one fluid motion.

 "This is the best calamary I've ever had. . . "

You eyes look like they are about to pop out of your head. 

G-Gordan Ramsay likes my cooking?!

AN: Thank you all for the support! I started writing this as a joke, but I'm really happy y'all are enjoying it so far! Stayed tuned for more. 

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