Chapter 25: To Live pt. 4

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John held to his promise as much as he could.

For the passing days he tried, no matter the amout of Cadmus's advances happend to come into contact with Míchallin, John stayed by his side.

And for a while, it worked.

Míchallin's shoulder was getting better, and he was a little more social.

That made John feel....happy?

Yes, he was happy.

Happy that the boy was some what safe.

No matter how good things may seem, it can always, always, get worse.

Even if the bruising went away, there was still pain. He can't carry anything without feeling like crying.

Marabella was worried and John wasn't sure what to do.

But Míchallin had an idea.

"Please train us!" The siblings said in unison, bowing low.

They'd approached John with one intention; his help.

John was taken aback.

"Woah, woah now," he chided. "Slow you're role hun. What do men train you?"

Marabella straightened up.
"We want you to train us, to get stronger! We want to be able to be as powerful and brave as you!"

"Yeah," The blonde added. "I want to be able to defend myself, in know..."

He hung his head low in shame.

John kneeled down in front of him.

"Míchallin, relax. Remember what I said? He can't hurt you anymore. You'll never see him again."

"But I will see him again..." The prince muttered. "When the castle is finished being built I have to have my coronation and crowning. He'll be there to place the crown on my head...."

"I'm afriad."

He choked back a sob as Marabella rubbed his back, rage filling her eyes.

"I just can't believe father would treat you like this!" She grumbled. "And you didn't tell me? Ridiculous!"

"Mara it's fine...."

"No it's not! And the worst part is I didn't even notice!"

She gripped her kneepads.

"I'm a terrible sister Míchallin, I'm so sorry."

She buried her face into the palm of her hand.

John watched on.

Training them sounded like a very good idea. They would be stronger and fit.

And plus, if Cadmus tried to lay so much as a finger tip on Míchallin and John wasn't aound to protect him, he should able to fend him off.


Míchallin looked up.
"R-really?" The prince said.

"Yes, really," John said. "I'll train you."

"On one condition."

"We'll do anything!" Marabella promised.

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