Chapter 10: White Hyacinth

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Arlos P.O.V~

He opened his eyes. His head flopped around lazily and he clicked his tongue. He leant back in his chair. He probably fell asleep while doing paper work.

He sat up groggily, and looked up at the clock on the wall. 11:42 am. John would be on his break right now. Arlo caught himself. He hadn't a clue why John had been the first thing he thought of when he awoke, but the younger had been on his mind for sometime now. Tomorrow was Friday and he would have to make his decision on where he would set John and Adrion to work, permanently. On Monday, they were his personal guards, Tuesday, they were guarding the palace gates, Wednesday, they made rounds, Today, they also made rounds. He had to make his decision by tomorrow, or at least tonight.

His eyes dropped once again. He couldn't sleep, it was time for lunch. He, reluctantly, stood up and left his private study.


Wellston Palace, 11:50 am, Dining Room

Arlo was very late to lunch, but so what? He walked in, took his seat, crossed his legs and promptly stated, "Good morning everyone."

The royals and the court who sat at the table stared at him. "And why are you late?" Remi asked, biting a strawberry. "I fell asleep," he said flatly, taking a sip of his water. The blond noticed that his little sister had a rose laying on the table.

"Remi, where'd you get that rose?" He asked. "From the garden," she replied, not looking up from her plate, she gestured for maid to come collect the rose and she told her to put in a pot and put it in her room and the maid left with the flower. Arlos eyes darkened. "Please don't tell me you went into the muddy garden, while it was raining, to get a rose, in you're white dress?"

She scoffed. "No, no! Of course not." She smiled a bit before her next sentence. "John picked it for me."

The eating stopped, as the others at the table looked at her and Arlo dropped his fork. John picked a rose for her? He got a feeling in his chest. A weird one at that. Like someone was twisting his heartstrings and pulling them apart. Was he...jealous?

No. No, it can't be. Wha was there even to be jealous of? He just went out in the pouring rain and picked a flower for the Queen, that's all.

"Oh, okay." He picked up his spoon and began to drink his soup once again. He said nothing after that.


Wellston Palace, 7:33 pm, The Kings Private Study

Arlo paced around his study, thinking. So many thoughts raced through his mind, but one always came back.

What was he suppose to do with John and Adrion?

He already had a personal guard in Holden, there are already enough gate guards and many guards that do rounds and shifts.

Maybe he could have two personal guards? Holden and Adrion.

But that leaves John...
Arlo had an idea, he's not sure if it will work, but he would give it a shot anyways.


Wellston Palace, Floor 14, Friday, 7:00 am, Johns Living Quarters

Johns P.O.V~

The ravenette was just getting ready to eat his breakfast. He entered his kitchen and watered his White Hyacinth flower on his desk. There was a knock at his door. Who would come to him now? It was 7 am, he didn't have work in an hour. Adrion maybe?

He scurried over to the door, thinking his friend had come to see him. They hadn't gotten to spend much time together as they used to.

He didn't have in a shirt, it was Adrion probably, so he didn't care.

He swung open the door, a wide smile on his face thinking that his old friend had come to see him.

Well, not exactly. Wavey blond hair, deep blue eyes and still in his sleepwear. Definitely not Adrion.

John was both shocked and confused. Why come to see him now? He bowed.

"Hello John, I come to speak with you. May i come in?"

John nodded shyly and opened the door more for him to enter. His quarters was clean, nothing strewn about and no mess, but he felt a bit subconscious since he wasn't wearing a shirt, so he threw in a vest quickly and pulled a chair for him to sit.

He took the stool while Arlo took the bed.

"Sorry to barge in so early this morning."

"No, its fine so, why are you here you're majesty?"

Arlo shifted his feet. "Well, as you know, the week is almost up, and as you know, I'm suppose to find place to set you to work, permanently."

John nodded.

"Right well, I've been thinking, since I already have a personal guard in Holden, you and Adrion work well together. But, by Brovens request, he would like me to separate the two of you. Are you okay with that?"

John nodded once more. He had nothing to say, he just wanted to know what Arlo was going to do with him.

"So, I decided to have Adrion and Holden as my personal guards, i already spoke to Holden and Adrion about it and they're fine with the arrangement. And that leaves you..."



He looked him in the eye.
"Yes you're highness?"

"Would you like to be my personal companion?"

Personal companion? What's that suppose to mean?

"So basically, you get to come with me everywhere i go. To events, to different kingdoms, anywhere. You're ways going to be with me. Always."

John thought about it. He honestly didn't mind it, I mean, he wasn't as cold as Broven had said. He was perfectly fine with this.

"It'd be my honor, you're highness."

Arlo managed a small, but noticeable smile. "Alright then, its settled. As you're first duty as my companion, follow me."

The king stood up, making his way to the door. John was still sitting there.

Arlo turned around.
"Come on."

"Like, now? Should I change?"

Arlo scoffed. "No, you look good like that. Besides, no one is going to see you. Now come on."

John reluctantly followed his king up the flight of stairs. Where were they going?

As they made it to the 15th floor, passing knights and guards eyed him suspiciously. John had no idea where Arlo was taking him.

Before he knew it, Arlo was holding open a large door for him.

He paused for a moment
"Wait, where are we?"

"This is my bedchamber, now come in."

John bite his lip and entered.

If John said Arlos room wasn't impressive, he'd be lying. High ceiling, rich furniture, everything someone could want, he probably had.

"Why are we here?" He asked.

Arlo walked to the other side of the room, where he threw open a closet door to reveal tons of clothes.

"You, are going help me change," Arlo stated, taking off his shirt.

John took his shirt from him.
Today was going to be a long day.
Yahoo✨ Here's another day of me not procrastinating and actually get somewhere with this story because we aren't even halfway through 💃. I have so much planned honestly, things might get a little spicy soon 👀, I don't know if you all would like that 😙, but I'll stop rambling now, anyways, hope you babes have a wonderful day/evening/night and be safe kinnies♡

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