Skeleton Bride

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"No, I'm not eating at all today! You can't make me Ty. I'm so fat already." whined Melissa.

"Please just one bite. You're beginning to look too skinny. Just one bite of watermelon. It used to be your favorite. I'm tired of this. Ever since you moved in with me, you have been eating less. Do you think I can't afford you eating? Well, I can.Why are you doing this to yourself, you were already soo beautiful. That's why I love you and we're engaged, Melissa," said Ty.

"I just want to lose a few more pounds, I promise and then I'm done. I'll eat, do anything, just don't leave me!"begged Melissa.

" That''s all I ever asked of you. I'm going to work, see you later, angel." shouted Ty on his way out the door.

Melissa thought to herself," Only three more monthes and he's forever mine. if only I can fit my wedding dress. It's a 0, just what I tried on in the store. Why doesn't it fit now?"

Melissa went to the gym and worked out for two vigorous hours. She ate an orange afterwards. Now, in her bathroom, she is forcibly throwing it back up into the toilet. For the past eight monthes, melissa has only had two slices of bread a day, an orange, and water. If these food items aren't availible, she doesn't eat that day. Lately, Melissa has been only having one orange and the rest of the day, water. She knows that is not enough, but is willing to sacrifice her health to fit into her wedding dress. Ty has noticed, but hasn't said anything considering the fact she goes on a rampage and kicks him out for the night if he brings it up. Suddenly, ty walks in on Melissa choking on the orange trying to throw it up.

"Stop, What are you doing to yourself Melissa?' said Ty as he pulled the orange out of her mouth.

"i'm making myslef perfect, for you," gasped Melissa.

"Well then, you should be doing the opposite of now. Eat, please. You worry me now. Just eat, not throw it up," stammered Ty.

"Why do you like me for who I am! I am fat. Look! I am 98 pounds. That is a fat number, if i get any fatter I don't know how i will fit in the dress of my dreams. I did it for you.I thought you would be happy," cried Melissa.

'You are beautiful, it dosn't matter the size you wear. I love you for you. I don't want you to kill yourself over a dress. If it makes you feel better, you don't need a dress, just throw some jeans on. Totally fine with that. Whatever you want, I want," said Ty.

Ty and Melissa went out to dinner that night. Apparently, their little "chat" earlier hadn't gotten through to Melissa. She barely ate the bread. When they came home, she headed straight towards the bathroom to empty her stomach. Monthes fly by. Its three days before their big day. Melissa still never ate much, but she thinks her diet worked because she fits the dress.

"Finally, I knew I could do it!" cheered Melissa.

Everyone had noticed her dropping weight so quickly, but never bothered to say anything. All the guests said she looked great. The ceremony was beautiful and Ty was happy too. Then they went on the honeymoon. It was quite enjoyable. All the dinners (if she ate), the dancing, and swimming had made Melissa really weak. Her head ached constantly and she could barely walk.

"Melissa, i'm going to go check out, you just wait here. Here are the plane tickets back to Alberquerque," said Ty.

" Okay, ask the lady if she has some Tylenol. My head hurts like I don't even know," mumbled Melissa.

"i'll ask, just don't leave the room for now," worried Ty.

He raced out the door. Melissa decided to take a short nap.

"I hope he hurries. I don't know how long I'll last. I'll just take a nap. Need me a break," said Melissa as she dozed off into sleep.

When Ty returned, it was too late. Melissa wasn't breathing and was cold. She lay on the hotel bed lifelessly. Ty dropped everything. he scurried over and held her in his arms.

"Noo. Your'e still here. With me, I won't let you go. I need you. Don't leave me Melissa, I'm all alone. I'll die for you, anything anything I tell you. Just come back Melissa!"screamed Ty as he fought back tears.

The fueneral was entirely too emotional. Ty was sinking into a slow depression. He drinks his heart out. He has nightmares where he screams and wakes up reaching out for Melissa. Ty slowly became crazy. He quit his job and was evicted within a month. Ty felt he had nothing to live for. There was no hope. Then he met Charlene.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Author's Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

- please comment and be honest so i can edit and make the story better!

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