Chs 12 + 13: Space Jam 2 Reunion (extended)

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For Michael's new and designed suit; was the same color themes from the Space Jam 2 background. Swirling colors of a sunset. But the cloth base of the tux suit being a baby sky blue color. A bright orange and sparkly basketball stitched at the right breast of his chest on his jacket and the Looney Tunes orange eye circle logo. He was given dark blue almost black shiny, dress shoes to go with the outfit.

Evelyn hasn't been home for a WHOLE week because of his year tour with his new album with his band. Prince was proud of his younger son exploring the world with his own family of a band just like he did when in his younger adult age.

Capprico had left really early like around 4:30 in the morning to his gymnastics gym building with his friends to finish building a cool new area from them to film on. So, technically, Capprico was the first one up before everyone in the house.

After finishing up in the shower and drying off, it was 6:40 something AM and Michael was already dressed in his suit. The light of the sun was starting to peek out in the no clouds sky. It's still summer season and hot and breezy. Michael walks, quietly but in a quick motion to and fro in the bathroom without waking his husband who was still asleep.

He goes through the second connected bathroom through their triple room closet to grab out his dress shoes that were pulled out with his new suit last night. Michael then heard Prince's phone alarm go off as it took Prince to quickly wake up and turn it off. He slowly, slid back under the blankets and dropped his left arm to Michael's left side of their bed to find it empty.

Prince covered his face with the thick blankets to shield from the bright bathroom lights and sighs. He's starting to feel a stuffy nose kicking in. The one thing he hates the most every morning. Stuffy nose from the cold air. Prince finally, gets up carefully, trying to cover his nose with his left elbow to catch his quiet, cute girl sneeze.

Michael had heard it from the dressing closet, sitting on the shoe couch that's in the middle of the closet, slipping on his shoes and shouted, "Bless you, baby!" Prince heard his husband's muffled soft voice after a cleared throat at the end. Prince had hummed a tired, "Hmh..." to Michael as he sniffs and rubs at his tired face while taking the time to wake himself up.

Prince then slides his legs to land his feet on the edge of the bed onto the floor with sigh. He scratches slightly at his head for a short minute once he hears his husband's feet walking towards him. Michael, leaving a sweet, morning kiss on Prince's right cheek. Prince accepted it with a welcoming, soft, gruff hum. The two share a small smile as Prince looked over at Michael's new suit that he's wearing.

"That looks nice on you, hon." Prince said softly with his little grin as he rubs his hand down on Michael's right side of his chest to feel the shit's soft cloth. Michael looks at his husband with a proud smile as he leaned back and showed the front side of the suit in full view. "Yeah? Does it look good?" Michael asked him as he looks down at himself after straightening out the bottom tongues of his suit jacket.

Prince gave his husband another honest nod and a smile as he noticed the sparkly basketball with lots of small, sparkly studs inside the clothed stitched basketball on the suit. "Yeah, it looks good. Light blue looks good on you, baby." Prince added lastly as Michael nodded back and they shard a good morning kiss.

"C'mon, hon. Today's a good day today! Gotta get up and movin'!" Michael exclaimed cheerfully as he slightly sped walk to their bedroom door, leaving it open, showing Zendaya, walk-jogging across the hallway to another room. She wears only a two piece Moschinno, colorful bright shirt jacket and basketball summer shorts that hug her bottom. Her new outfit that she had bought while out shopping last weekend. 

"Ooh..!" Michael heard his daughter say as she quickly walked back to her father to greet him. "Mornin' daddy!" Zendaya said sweetly in her voice as Michael turned right back around to share a morning hug with his daughter. "Hey, baby girl. How you doin', love?" Michael said back as he squeezed tight around his daughter and left a kiss on her forehead.

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