Ch 8: (CAUGHT!) + Prince Rogers Nelson-Jackson on Jimmy Fallon! prt 4

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A/N: heyyy again my Prichael readers! 🤗😘❤💜✨ here is chapter 7 and part 4 of this interview story! We continue on from what we left off in part 3 y'all! And yes! I have been watching and looking back at Michael's private home vids from 2003 so these long parts can be mostly be ACCURATE with the story! Like i said, is is MY VERSION of Michael's home movies story! I'm just adding Prichael fluff into it! Cuz I can!✨😘😏 ANYWAYS! Let's get this one started too! Night #2 part 2! 🤗❤



Date: July 18, 2020
Location: same as from parts 1, 2, and 3
Time: late evening, night #2 prt 2


*As the tv cam flips back to Jimmy Fallon's tonight's show over to Questlove's band playing their return solo music while letting the fans in the audience do their crazy praises, the cam flips back to Jimmy, Prince and Quest all laughing with each other at some joke that Quest and Prince made during the break*

Fallon: *The camera man flips back to Jimmy once more as he greets everyone once again with his spreading smile and a little nod at the camera to the viewers* "Welcome back, everyone! To part 2! Of this 2-night interview with Prince Rogers Nelson-Jackson and Questlove! Thank you so much for still being here with us guys!" *Jimmy says happily to his good friend's that earned him two nods as the two other men settled down their playful giggles as the fans and audience settle down their wild anchores and shout calls as they continue to let their host speak*

Fallon: "Now," *Jimmy turns back to Prince and Quest as he's about to mention to continue the VHS home video tape from where they left off* "We're gonna watch where we left off from the VHS tape from the home movies, only watching at least 5 minutes of it cuz we only have a few hours left for this last part of the interview, and and... And Prince. Prince? I'm sorry, where are my manners? Mr. Nelson-Jackson?" *he grabs back Prince's attention as he grabs his friend's hand gently as earns a small, spreading, glossy grin as the fans shout and call out while the applaud him, making both Jimmy and Prince smile big and Quest chuckling a laugh from the left side.*

Fallon: *As the crowd deceased their wild anchores again by the security guards, Jimmy nods at Prince and lets go of his hand from his friend's hand as he continues* "We're gonna finish watching only 5 minutes of your guy's old home movies and we'll say goodnight to end it there. I know you must be tired and that you're missing your husband and your family, but how does that sound? Sound good?" *Jimmy asks him as he holds both of his thumbs up for approval to Prince*

Prince: *he then nods at Jimmy back with his small smile as he answers* "Yeah! Sounds alright to me!" *then that gives the crowd more applause and shout-outs*

Fallon: "Alright! Let's start up the tape guys! Let's see some cool memories!" *he finishes as the fans and audience continue their wild anchores and the audience tv cam flip back to the jumbo screen from behind the audience stand to capture back the three men's attentions glued back on the screen as the wild applause subside to quiet as the VHS tape began to play to the old home videos once more*


<<The VHS flips to showing a video of young Elizabeth Taylor and Michael, and Prince on Elizabeth's far left side around the family Christmas tree (with excited young Zendaya and Capprico close to their Papa's side as they were showing their new Christmas presents while Daddy's being filmed).>>

(DISCONTINUED)Future Us Prichael Vol. 1|Mature PrichaelWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu