Ch 6: (CAUGHT!) + Prince Rogers Nelson-Jackson on Jimmy Fallon! prt 2

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A/N: heyyy again my loves! Ik, another weird time to update this... This one is another long one again! Sorry-not-sorry! 🤗❤ here's part 2!



Location: same as from prt 1
Date: July 16, 2020
Time: late night, night #1


3rd POV (mostly Prince's and Jimmy's POVs):

*the audience and fans start hyping back up as the tonight show comes back on after showing Prince and Jimmy laughing at each other at the other's joke comment*

*The front audience tv cam flicks back to Jimmy as he begins the next part of the show*

Fallon: "Alright everyone! Welcome back to the Tonight's Show! And please, give your welcome back to the Prince Rogers Nelson-Jackson!" *he gestures his left hand and arm towards his friend, Prince as the tv cam flicks back to Prince, showing him smiling and giving the audience and his fans a side eye look and a adored nod with his greeting to his people and looks back at Jimmy with one swift of his happy eyes*

*while another roaring applause to the audience and the fans howling out Prince's name from the girls, and from the boys, howling out his famous signature howl from his song Let's Go Crazy, making Prince and Jimmy giggle from their silliness. Prince, still sitting with his legs folded onto each other but his hands no longer holding onto his sunglasses. His sunglasses stuffed away in his hand bag during commercial break a while ago. Having his hands layed tucked underneath his tummy under his crossed lap*

*Sitting next to Prince after doing his welcome back drum solo with his band, is now Questlove. One of Prince's good friends too as Questlove was shown on the tv cam, nodding, always with a vibe in his character, in his old school blackness that everyone loves about him*

*As the audience applauses subside once again, Jimmy turns his swivel desk chair around to the small table that's in between Prince's right armrest chair and grabs a small stack of cards, a paper and another black cardboard picture frame and holds them on the desk*

Fallon: "So, Quest, thank you so much for joining with us on this next half of tonight's show. Um..." *the crowd gives their respective woops and shouts as they known that Prince and Questlove were and still are great friends together and had a cool history together with Michael* "We all know that you two had a cool history of friendship together and just seeing you two reunited together is so great! So great. Um.."

*he earned both respective nods and smiles and a 'thanks man' from Questlove as the audience and fans settle down their applauses and back in their seats*

Fallon: *He then takes another small sneak peek from another picture that he's holding close to his chest and looks back up at his good friends, Prince and Questlove as he leans in to get their attention together, but turns to Prince first as he gestures his left hand at him again before laying it back down to his side* "But um.. So, Prince. Earlier while on commercial break, you were telling me all kinds of the works that you and your husband Michael have been doing for almost a couple of years now," *he earns a couple of little nods and a double hum as answering his question*

*Jimmy then quickly looks back at the picture frame that's leaning close to his chest and back at the other older men at his left as he continues*

Fallon: "And, you, have an amazing title for your next world tour for next year and I was so excited that I got to see it early when you released it. The, the news. I mean..." *Jimmy pauses in amazement at Prince's new work for next year as he hears Prince answer a quick 'Yeah' and Jimmy finally flips over the other black cardboard picture frame that he officially reveals Prince's next new world tour title which got the audience, mostly the fans excited again with another roaring applause* "Look at this guys!" *Jimmy exclaims after he shows the world tour picture to the other two men as they leaned forward and to the already crazy fans shouting all crazy again*

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