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~y/n's POV~

I was helping megumi with the mission of finding the special grade cursed objet Ryoman Sukuna's finger. We get up to wooden thing that looks like a huge bird house. I heard megumi grumble something as I opened it not finding it

" megumi it's not here!! " I trembled as I started looking around for it but was stopped by megumi grabbing my shoulder " we'll follow the trail but first we need to tell gojo"he reassured me as I watched him call gojo.

After the call megumi snaked his arm around my waist. I then put it on my shoulders following the trail which lead us to a school. I watch megumi take his coat off and put it somewhere as I do the same.

The trail leads us to a group of students watching some sort of competition, a boy with a black undercut and bubble gum pink hair, he was wearing a yellow hoodie with some blue jeans.

" they're doing shot put! Do you think the bo-" I whispered to megumi as we watched the boy throw the ball like a pitcher "holy Shit!! You should -" I started to blurt out but megumi covered my mouth.

We started to walk away but the boy with the bubble gum pink hair passed us as I felt a spark, megumi called out for him as I tried to run after him but lost him.

We found him in a hospital signing papers. megumi pulls him to the back of the waiting room as I stood beside him patiently. I wasn't fully listening but was forced back to reality when I heard fushigoru yell " don't fuck with me here!!! Where's the finger!!??? "

" uhh... My friends said they were going to open it " yuji specified as mine and megumi's eyes go wide. I pulled the boys out of the hospital then yuji takes us to his school.

I was helping megumi with killing curses until we found that's guys friends... I think his name was yuji.. I don't know I wasn't fully paying attention when him and megumi were talking. I then saw yuji jump through the window as he punches the curse getting his friends. I ran up to him and protected him and his friends with a curse I had absorbed.

I agian stood by megumi as he was yelling at yuji. I then noticed a curse coming from the roof so I pushed yuji as i was pushed by megumi. Both me and yuji watched megumi get thrown through a wall as we follow but I went to megumi's side while yuji tried to fight the cruse" you can't fight that thing on your own!!" I yelled at him.

Yuji get punched as I heard him yell with a groan " if I went home now I would be having this nightmare for weeks. And plus I already have a curse of my own" he gets grabbed as the finger flies up

" no don't do it " Both me and megumi shout as he swallowed the finger.

Seconds later I saw the tattoos appear on yuji skin as he killed the curse I started fangirling as sukuna laughed like a mad man but stops when he caught a whif of my sent.

Before I could blink, sukuna had one of his arms wrapped around my waist and one holding my face roughly as I looked at him with love and excitement. Sukuna started leaning in as I lean toward him, our lips meet as I heard gojo gaps and growl " what the fuck are they doing?? "

Our kiss was getting more heated by the second, I felt my pussy throb so I grinded on sukuna or what I thought was sukuna because I was pushed away " what the fuck!? I just meet you and your making out with me " yuji hisses as I walked away holding my lips in pure happiness.

" y/n!! Are you ok!? Did he hurt you" gojo asked worried as he looked at me up and down for any marks or scratches.

" I'm fine dad!!... I just made out with sukuna and it was a heated one.. " I growl with a smile as I plop on megumi's lap.

- after sukuna's and gojo's fight-

" take her home megumi and I'll deal with this boy here" gojo demands as all I could think about was the kiss I had with sukuna and how gentle he was

" hey!! Let's go" megumi growls as he picks me up and starts walking home

" put me down!! I can walk you know" I growl as I wiggle out of his grasp. I walked beside him as there was a awkward silence present between us but megumi broke it by blurting out " why did you kiss sukuna!? Are you nuts!? "

I looked at him and smiled " yeah i am nuts!! You should know that by now... And I don't know why I kissed him.. I felt like it was the right thing" megumi looks at me shocked " the Right thing!? Are you hearing yourself y/n!! You just kissed the king of curses.. Do you even know what he doe-" I covered megumi's mouth to shut him up

" yeah I know he raped and did whatever he wanted to women and children but I really don't care " I state as I take my hand off megumi's mouth, we walked up to the school and saw tsumiki waiting for us. I walked passed but stopped when I heard megumi tell tsumiki that I kissed sukuna and that I grinded on sukuna's vessel. I grab him and dragged him to my room " shut it!! You don't have to tell everyone!!" I snarled at him

" yes I do" megumi preached as I pinned him to the wall which caused him to blush and avoided eye contact. I grab his chin softly as I nibble on the shell of his ear whispering " I can tell you like me megumi.."

By the time I pulled away, megumi was bright red while staring at me " h-how did you know " he questions with a shaky voice that told me he was nervous

" well you asking gojo if I can go on missions with you, putting your arm around my waist.. Ooh how about when you come into my room and kiss my head when you think I'm asleep " I listed the reasons as Megumi looks away " wait! Your telling me your still awake when I kiss your head"I nod as he hide in his coat blushing more and I started taking pictures of him.

I was pinned to the bed without even knowing why or how I got there, I made eye contact with megumi as he slowly inches closer to my face " I'll show you what a real man is and how a real man treats a woman" he smirks as he kisses my neck causing me to gaps

" y/n!! Are you in there ?" gojo called out slowly coming in as megumi was slowly stripping my clothes.

falling for the king of cursesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ