. Prologue | Rainy Evening .

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"Y! Z!"

"Did you find something?"

"Of course! Come on!"

A trio of figures huddle around a lamppost in the pouring rain. It's surprising that the paper pinned hasn't been blown away by the howling wind or torn itself due to the relentless drops of the sky. It's hard to see the text on the paper, as the ink was bleeding, but after a bit of staring they manage to make it out.

"Can't you see? This is my chance! I've finally found something!"

"I don't know, this seems a bit sketchy.."

"C'mon! I'm a decent scientist who's willing to work long hours! We're not gonna find anything better than this."

"X, please, is it worth risking? Me and Y can keep helping you-"

"No. It's worth it. I can't keep being a burden to you guys! Besides, whoever.. Dr. Four? is, I'm sure they're not doing anything too bad!"

Nothing too bad at all, they say.

"X! X!" The poor little ones scream. Tears streaming down their faces as the hand takes them away. They've failed them and everything they stand for. All because of  their greed.

"If you say so.."

And so, in the middle of a raging thunderstorm, the three friends race back to shelter, sodden paper in hand.

Surely X is right. No harm can come from this.




224 Words

Look at me sharing a story that only has a prologue again

dw it's only cause I have no idea what to do for chapter 1 but I'll figure it out

.It was Bound to go Wrong, Dear! | BFB/XFOHV AU.Where stories live. Discover now