{~ 𝟙𝟘 ~}

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I woke up groggily, rubbing my eyes as I glared at the blinding window. My eyes felt sore and I could feel a pounding in my head. I have no idea when I fell asleep, but I knew it was way too late. Luckily, as far as I know, nothing's happening today. Maybe I'll get to spend a bit of quiet time with Tubbo...
Damnit. I really need to get over this petty crush, I barely even know him.
I sighed, swinging my feet off the side of the bed. I stood up and felt a shiver go up my spine as I noticed the cold floor. How the hell is my floor cold on the middle of summer... I hurriedly slipped on my fuzzy pair of slippers and shuffled out of my room, still in my sleepwear.
The castle was filled with natural light from the large windows scattered throughout. I continued to Tubbo's room and knocked on his door to see if he was awake. From the pattering of feet towards the door I guessed he was indeed awake. He quickly undid his door lock and pulled the door open.
"Mornin' Tubbo," I spoke, still a bit groggy from waking up.
"Good morning {y/n}, did you sleep well?"
"Fine enough," I tried to smile reassuringly, really not wanting to tell him I stayed up till late thinking of his beautiful smile.
He nodded, and I returned the question.
"Dude, I slept like a fucking log," he replied dramatically, and we both laugh.
  "Well I guess we should go down and grab breakfast, huh?" I say, realizing that I'm quite hungry.
"Yeah, we probably should," we both nod and make our way to the kitchen, with me in the lead and Tubbo following me closely.
   After a couple minutes we reached the kitchen entrance and enter. I then spot two plates with food on the counter.
  "Looks like somebody already got some for us," I say as a grab a small piece of paper sitting by the plates that says;
Dear {y/n},
          Here is breakfast for you and Prince Tubbo.
                                                   The Kitchen Staff

"Awesome!" Tubbo exclaims, grabbing one of the plates filled with fluffy scrambled eggs, crisp bacon, and delicious looking pancakes. I then do the same, although slightly less enthusiastically.
    We enter the dining room, and sat next to each other at the grand table. We immediately began to dig into our breakfast, silently thanking the food gods (chefs).
    As we finished I noticed the clock on the wall, and how it was only about 9:15, much earlier than I estimated.
"Sooo , what's the plan for today boss man?" Tubbo asked he scooted his plate over.
" Well, I was thinking we could just kinda wander around the castle, and I could even give you a bit of a tour," I replied ,excited thinking about the time me and Tubbo are going to spend together.

Woooo I am finally publishing another chapter:D hope y'all enjoyed this one and sorry for not updating in a while :| well, see y'all later :]


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