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   I heard Tubbo's quick foot steps coming from the ballroom. I turned to look at the door and saw Tubbo walking with a grin on his face.
"Mother and father dearest allowed me to stay!" Tubbo exclaimed.
"That's awesome! How long will you be able to stay?"
"I will be able to stay for a few weeks at most, but father dearest says I can technically stay for as long as I want!"
"Cool! I guess that now we have all of that figured out we can finally head to bed for the evening."
"Yup, of course."
"Okay, well I guess I'll show you to the guest bedroom," I said.
   I walked out of the garden back into the castle with Tubbo following right behind me. We mainly walked in silence, especially since we were both exhausted at this point in the night. After a few corridors we arrived at the only two doors at the end of the hallway.
"Well, your room is on the right, and my room is only other one here in case you need anything."
Tubbo gave me a small nod," well good night [y/n]."
"Good night Tubbo," I smiled lightly. Then we both walked into our rooms.
   As I entered my room and closed the sturdy oak door I felt all giddy again. It was really nice meeting a possible new friend.
   I changed out of my stuffy outfit that was for the ball and changed into my much more comfortable sleepwear. I also felt instantly relaxed by the familiar atmosphere of my bedroom. The warm light that radiated from the lamp located on my dark oak desk; the single large bookshelf filled to the brim with books of adventures and far away lands that is also accompanied by a plush reading chair that was a dark navy blue; and a large bed with an overkill amount of pillows, a velvety baby blue throw blanket, and a thick royal blue comforter. Everything radiated warmth, safety, and familiarity.
   After I took in the relaxing atmosphere I made my way to my bed, noticing the moon that is now setting and the fact my eyes keep drooping shut. I plopped down onto the plush bedding, turning over to blow out the glowing lantern. My room then fell into still darkness. Luckily my quarters were far enough away from the ballroom that I couldn't hear the loud chatter of the adults partying the night away. The silence really was serene.
   Then I heard a small crash come from the room next to mine followed by a small bit of incoherent muttering which I guessed was a string of profanity. I let out small sigh and a giggle. I'm really looking forward to the next few weeks.
   Light streamed through my slightly ajar window, a warm summer breeze following behind. I slowly opened my eyes, taking a deep breath in and smelling the faint scent of flowers that is signature to our kingdom.
   I sat up stretching my arms and rubbing my tired eyes. I could tell it was already late morning, although I didn't really feel bad for sleeping in knowing for a fact that father will be sleeping in as well. I got up from the soft bed and moved the thin white curtains from the large window framed with dark wood which allowed the summer light to pour into the room. I peered out at the huge flower field right next to our castle. The sight never fails to amaze me. All the colors were just beautiful.
   As the warm sunlight fell upon my face a smiled, glad for the lovely weather. Then a small knock came from my door. I turned and briskly walked to my door, opening to find Tubbo. He was still in his clothes from last night, minus his light green vest.
"Oh shit! I forgot to give you sleepwear didn't I?"
"Uh.. yeah, but it's fine though! I don't mind," he replied while also trying to fix his mop of hair that was going in every direction.
"I really should've thought about the fact that you didn't have clothes with you," I sighed now feeling a bit bad," here, I'll get you a change of clothes for the morning."
Tubbo nodded as I quickly went to my dark oak wardrobe hidden in the corner of my room. I grabbed an outfit that consisted of a relaxed white top and loose brown trousers.
"Here, I'm pretty sure it'll fit, and sorry it's a bit plain," I hand Tubbo the outfit once again apologizing.
"It's no problem, and thank you," he gives me a small smile and heads back to his room. Well I guess it's time for me to get read for the day as well.
I close my door once again and go back to my wardrobe. I took out a light and plain white top with a pair of black trousers that taper at the ankle. I also got a pair of my favorite comfortable black shoes. Then I stepped out of my room waiting a couple minutes for Tubbo to leave his. When Tubbo did come out of his room he was still messing with his hair.
I smiled and greeted him,"good mornin'."
"Good morning [y/n]!" Tubbo returned my smile.
"Ready for breakfast?"
"Hell yeah I am," me and him both laughed as I started leading us to the kitchen.
Hello! I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter! I really, really, REALLY enjoyed writing this chapter. It's probably because I got to describe the setting more and I didn't have to write as much dialogue. Although, I am really proud of how the story is developing thus far so I am really looking forward to writing more! Anyways, see y'all later!
[905 Words]

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