{~ 𝟠 ~}

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   Me and Tubbo are now sat in a small bench in the middle of the western wing of the town. At this point we let go of each other's hand, and we're definitely feeling the awkward tension. I was fidgeting with my small bag of chocolate and Tubbo was messing with his mop of hair.
"So.. uh, where's our next stop?" Tubbo asked resting his hand back onto his matching bag of chocolate.
"Well, the shop I was thinking of going to is just a bit up ahead, so if we wanna still do that we can go there" I explained , pointing to a small building framed with dark wood.
Tubbo nodded, "that sounds good."
We both stand stretching a bit before heading to my favorite local cafe.
  We only had to walk by a couple of houses and shops to get to the small building shoved between a decent sized house and a library. I smile once we arrive at the front door, excited to finally be able to have my favorite food again.
The building was framed with dark oak and had cream-colored walls, which fit the general color palette of the town. Although, what made the cafe stand out visually was the light pink tint on the glass panes around the building, which made the interior shine a beautiful pink  when the sun hit it just right.
   I opened the door slightly, allowing Tubbo to enter before me. As the door opened a small bell rang, alerting the workers of our presence. An older lady with light grey hair put up in a loose bun dressed in a white blouse, light green trousers, and an apron quickly came to greet and seat us.
"Oh my! Hello [y/n]! It's been a while since you've last came," exclaimed Paep, my favorite waitress in the whole town, and a close friend.
"I know, I know, I've been a bit busy with studies as of late, but I should be able to come down more often," I say smiling fondly at her.
"Well that's good, and who have you brought with you today?" Paep asks turning and gesturing to Tubbo.
"Oh, this is Tubbo, he's going to be staying in the kingdom for a while," I explain.
"Really now? Well, it's great you're making friends," she looks Tubbo up and down, as if she was evaluating him.
"Well, I'll bring you two to your table," Paep quickly says as she turns and leads us to small table in the far corner of the cafe. When she stops me and Tubbo both take a seat on the spruce chairs that had soft, velvety, pale red padding.
"So [y/n], would you like your usual?" Paep asks me, and I nod.
"What about you, lad?" She asks Tubbo turning and smiling.
"I, uh , I'll just have a cup of tea, thanks," Tubbo said nervously with a small awkward laugh.
"Of course dear, I'll go get everything then." She leaves, leaving me and Tubbo alone.
   I could tell Tubbo still felt a bit awkward about the shopkeepers words earlier in the marketplace.
"Hey, don't overthink what the lady said earlier, okay? She was probably just joking," I break the silence looking Tubbo in the eyes and smiling.
"Yeah, you're probably right, I'm just worried that you might feel a bit awkward about that, and I don't want you to be uncomfortable around me," he explains nodding and shrugging his shoulders.
"Tubbo, it's fine we're technically friends now, so you'll have to try a bit harder to get rid of me," I laugh with Tubbo, trying to be reassuring.
He smiles, and we share a moment of content as I absorb his delicate gaze, until Paep came back with our order.
Hellooo readers :] Sorry for the later update, and that it's a bit shorter, but there will be a few nicer scenes that include a bit of y/n figuring out their feelings for Mr. Tubbo! Anyways, I hope y'all have a wonderful rest of your day :D
[676 Words]

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