"Can.. you take me to the car then.." you said, feeling embarrass. As he help you walk a bit, you were able to get use to it, quickly, thanks to Akashi. "Thank you. I think I got use to it."

As you got to meet the boys again. Momoi had went straight to Dai-tan and Kuroko-kun. You decided not to look at Kuroko-kun just yet. "WOAH!" Kise-kun says, blushing looking at you.

"Do I really look that bad?"

"N-no way! You look really cute." he said, using his hand to cover his smile.

"Midori-tan. Murasaki-tan. You two look really cool." you said.

"Thank you. You look nice as well." Midorima said.

"Thanks. Do you have some sweets for me?" Mursakibara asks.

"No, not today. We were going to eat a lot." you said, continuing the conversation and ignoring Kise.

"Compliment me! Compliment me!" Kise whines, trying to hug you. You put your hand on his face so that he wouldn't go near you. "How cruel, (Y/N)-cchi. At least compliment you."

"You look normal."

"How mean!"

"You look more nice then normal." you said, quietly. "Happy now?"

"Yes." the model said, smiling.

"Huh? Whose this?" Aomine-kun said, looking at you.

"What are you talking about, Aomine-cchi? It's (Y/N)-cchi!"

"Eh? Really?" the blue hair boy said.

"I knew it I shouldn't wear this. It doesn't suit me." you said.

"It doesn't. But you don't look half bad." he said, smiling. Aomine-kun comes up to your ear and whisper something. "You're not going to show Tetsu-kun?"

"STOP TEASING ME!" you said, almost slapping Aomine-kun.

"Anyway, where's Aka-chin?" Murasakibara asks.

"I think he said he's going to greet some of the guests. It was already evening, so the sun was setting. You turn to see Kuroko-kun's back. He was facing Momoi and talking to her.

"The look like a couple." Aomine-kun whispers in your ear.

"Like I care." you said, looking annoyed. Aomine-kun smiles, liking the look on your face.

"Then you shouldn't be clenching your hand." Kise said, smiling.

"S-shut up." you said, averting your eyes.

"Okay, you guys. You guys can come to the backyard. It's where the party is held." Akashi said.

"I don't mind being your date for tonight." Kise said, smiling, grabbing your hand. At that moment, Akashi grabs your wrist.

"Sorry, Ryouta. I need (Y/N) for something." Akashi said.

You could hear Ryouta clicks his tongue, looking annoyed, but smiling.

As Akashi takes you away from the group, you wonder why he took you away like that. "What's wrong Sei-tan?"

"It's nothing." he said. "I was wondering if I can have the first dance with you later."

"Hmm? They'll be dancing? I don't know how to dance."

"It's okay. I'll lead." he said, smiling.

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