Chapter 4

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Thomas could see the sunlight through the shields of his eyelids, knowing it was there because the familiar blackness that lay on the back of closed eyes was instead a light pink. He grinned, the smile accompanied by a giddy love for existence that he wasn't used to.

He didn't open his eyes quite yet, not wanting to lose that feeling. Instead, he lay in the soft bed of grass soaking in the unique color and the warmth that came along with it. He ran his arms along the top of the blades, each one caving in as he touched it.

The grass welcomed him, embracing his caress and reassuring him that he was safe. Slowly, he let his eyes open, shielding them for just a second to let his eyes adjust. What to do now?

He decided to go bug Newt, and luckily, he knew just where to find him.

Thomas pushed himself up and started his stroll across the glade.

Oh, the glade? He was back in the glade?!

Only this glade had no walls. This glade was just a meadow, one that never ended. Infinite beauty, infinite bliss. He spun a full circle, taking in his surroundings, waiting for the panic to set in but it never did. Just happiness.

So, he continued, reaching the garden after a few minutes of his relaxing walk.

The garden stretched longer than he remembered, with at least 50 rows of plants that used the support of stakes to grow up toward the sun. Ripe, colorful fruit and vegetables hung loosely off the careless vines, a few even falling to the ground out of readiness.

And then he saw him.

His eyes, which had busied themselves with the view, froze and settled to rest on Newt, who had not yet noticed Thomas. He didn't need Newt to see him yet though. He was perfectly happy to stand there watching Newt focus on what he loved while Thomas focused on what he loved.

Thomas watched as he carefully moved a leaf to reveal a large tomato, mirroring Newt's sweet smile as he pulled it off to admire it. Some hair had fallen in his face, but he was too focused on his tomato to care.

The way he tilted his head to the side to inspect the plant, how he stood offset onto his good leg, the way he closed his eyes and looked up at the sun because he wanted to take in the fresh air.

Not a flaw was to be found in his predictable but endearing mannerisms, and not a single one would ever grow old to Thomas.

Looking at him now, Thomas was puzzled why he had ever worried over the past few years.

Whether it was the glade, the scorch, or at the hands of WCKD, how could he ever have had a moment of stress while Newt was around? Because, at that moment, staring at that boy, all his stress evaporated.

Thomas's heart skipped a beat as Newts eyes flicked up away from his tomato and returned his stare. Newts' expression, already happy, turned gleeful. They fell into each other's gaze, staying locked for the unforeseeable future.

Newt was the first to make a move towards Thomas, initiating the closing of the space between them.

Foot by foot he made his way to Thomas until only one foot remained.

Thomas drank him in, every last inch.

He traveled down the winding pathways within Newts dark brown eyes, got lost dancing along the pieces of his sunlit blonde hair.

"Tommy," Newt said through an unbreakable smile.

"Newt" Thomas returned. And then, the final foot was closed as Thomas threw his arms around Newt's shoulders and let his head settle into the crook of Newt's neck.

Newt sealed their bodies as he drew Thomas in closer by his waist, settling his head on Thomas's shoulder. He wasn't sure where they were. They might be the last two people left on earth, but it didn't matter. There was no room for anyone else. The space between them was nonexistent, and they were all there was, interlocked and inseparable. Newt was all that he needed to live.

Thomas drew back.

For the first time in years, he was able to exhale, and now that he could he needed to say it.

Staring into the eyes of his best friend, he uttered, "Newt, I" but before he could, that same pink color returned to his eyes, replacing Newt and devouring the glade.

It was just pink.

Pink, oh, sunlight, shining through his eyelids.

And then he opened them once again.

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