Chapter 1

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Thomas was furious. He knew that Newt was running out of time. He had made sure to tell everyone that Newt took priority and yet Newt's care seemed to hang just out of his reach.

First, Gally could get the medicine. Then, Brenda could, and somehow, even with 6 people offering up their help to save Newt, not one had been able to follow through.

Useless shanks.

There had to be something he could do, some way he could help. He could feel it in his gut that Gally wasn't going to make it back with the medicine. Glancing around at the anarchy that had unfolded before him, the odds weren't looking good.

People were running down the streets of the city, dodging fire and massive piles of debris from buildings that had only taken minutes to fall apart.

Gunfire could be heard clearly no matter where in the city you were, so the constant shooting noise didn't really help Thomas figure out if anyone was around.

He had no judge of if it was safe or if he could make it to retrieve the medicine himself.

But it would take too long to make the trip there and back.

He turned back down to look at Newt, who was planted firmly on the ground, only sitting upright because he had a wall to brace himself. He let out constant groans, so at least Thomas had some indicator to know that he was still alive. Or that he hadn't turned yet hopefully.

Could I even carry him?

But there was no time to think it through, his thought silenced by a bomb landing directly in the path he knew Gally took.

That's it. 

Waiting wasn't an option, if he didn't go now, Newt would be gone. Thomas would rather be shot trying than to watch Newt disappear in front of his eyes.

Hey, with my luck, both will happen.

He cringed at the possibility behind his thought. Squatting down to eye level, Thomas gave Newt a couple of pats on his cheek, making Newt groan louder.

"Newt listen we have to go, c'mon you gotta get up let's go." Thomas urged. Much to his surprise, Newt snapped to attention and frantically started grabbing at his neck.

His hands landed on the string of a necklace which he then gripped and started attempting to yank off.

"Tommy, take it," Newt rushed between breaths, clawing at his throat and the necklace as he tried to free himself of it.

"Newt, we don't have time we can do this later" Thomas pleaded, never having been so desperate.

"Take it, Tommy, take it" Newt choked out, insistent as he finally managed to rip the necklace away from his neck.


"JUST TAKE IT" Newt fully screamed this time, his eyes flooded with chaos. Thomas realized Newt was just as desperate as he was, so looking Newt in his flushed black eyes, he held the hand with the necklace.

"Please, Tommy." Newt finished, exhausted at the effort to stay sane.

"Alright," Thomas said, pulling the necklace from his hands and tucking it away in his pocket. This seemed to soothe Newt, if only for a fleeting moment.

"Okay, now we've gotta go." He scooped an arm under his friend and swung Newt's arm around his neck. He stood up, carrying all of Newt's weight with him. And with both of them grunting with the effort and Newt screaming at the pain, they began their trek to Newt's last chance at life.

It only took Thomas a few steps to realize that they weren't going to make it.

Not at this pace, not in his condition. He did his best to keep them pressing on, letting out agonizing yells that Newt repeated back to him, hoping that just maybe the yelling would force out all their pain. It didn't.

They just walked down the burning path, stumbling and falling and yelling. So. much. yelling.

They managed to turn a corner into an empty stretch of street. He hoped this would make it easier; it was a straight shot so they just had to make it one more block. Halfway down the path, though, they fell, and this time it wasn't recoverable.

Thomas fell forward, letting go of Newt to catch himself, leaving Newt to collapse on the pavement behind him. He pushed himself back up onto his feet and ran his hand down his pants to wipe off all the dust.


Every second he fucked up was a second Newt lost. As he continued scolding himself, he turned around to try and help Newt up for one last attempt.

He didn't expect them to make it even five more steps. However, he also didn't expect to see Newt standing up on his own when he turned back around.

"Newt" Thomas let a wave of excitement pass over him, not thinking critically enough yet to realize this wasn't a good thing.

He enjoyed that moment of ignorance, that moment where he still thought Newt was somehow okay.

He enjoyed it until Newt turned around.

Standing in front of him wasn't Newt, but some other dark entity that had taken his place. He had seen cranks before, but to watch as the humanity drains from the person closest to you, to watch them become one, that was on an entirely different level. His heart plummeted to the floor.

It was too late.

Newt cocked his head, and with a violent shriek, he took a running start at Thomas. It wasn't hard to shove him off, but it still hurt like hell to fight him. The block didn't stop Newt from trying again, and again, and again.

Thomas was getting tired.

"Newt please it's me" but Newt ignored his begging, launching at Thomas, this time landing his strike.

He knocked him to the ground, pinning Thomas down as he tried to bite at his face. Thomas used Newt's grip on his arms to shove him off, rolling him onto the ground and then rising to his hands and knees.

"Tommy" Newt yelled hoarsely. "Kill me"

Newt said it as if it was an order. Thomas wasn't one to follow orders and he wasn't about to start now.

"No" he panted.

Newt growled once more, standing up and taking yet another charge at Thomas. He hit him this time as well and Thomas realized that the small bit of Newt that was left inside this crank was still in partial control. He also realized that his Newt was the only thing holding it back from killing him.

As Newt straddled Thomas trying again to bite anywhere he could access, Thomas looked into his eyes and tried a final time, "Newt, Newt come back to me".

Newt looked down and it was clear to see that the old Newt inside him took control for the last time as he panted, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry Tommy".

It pained Thomas to see the grief flood Newt's face as he realized what he'd become.

That's when Newt reached down, distracting Thomas with his lucidity, and ripped the gun from Thomas's pant leg. Within a second the gun was out of its holster and in Newts' hands, firmly pressed against his temple.

He sat up straighter, closed his eyes, removed the safety, and placed his finger on the trigger.

Thomas felt an excruciating "No" escape his lips as he reached his hand up as fast as he could to knock the gun away.

Newt would not die this way, not when they were so close.

But, before he could make contact, the gun was torn away by someone else.

Before Thomas could register what was happening, the same person had a syringe in Newt's neck.

As they held onto each other's eyes, Thomas watched his dark eyes grow heavy, straining to stay open. He looked confused, but with each second, he grew calmer. Within ten seconds, Newt lost motor function entirely, falling limp on top of Thomas.

What... the fuck.

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