Cursed Womb

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Y/N: "Oi Megumi! Where are you?!"

I sprinted through a dimly lit hallway, the sound of water dripping from the ceiling and the metal creaking only added to my worries.

Y/N: "Megumi! Where are you?!"

I turned down a corner and soon I saw a opening into a larger room. It was slightly better lit and it seemed to have been destroyed. Metal pipes lay in the ground in piles and huge holes and dents in the wall suggested a fight. I around a pile of metal and saw a small puddle of blood, I turned the corner and my legs trembled.

Y/N: "O-oi Megumi. Wake up."

I walked over to my brother's body which was lay on the floor with a pipe going through his stomach. Tears started to stream down my face as I got closer. I saw that his lips were slightly blue.

Y/N: "Pl-ease get up. Come on."

I kneeled next to him and placed a hand underneath his head. I tried to hold back what is was feeling, I had to stay strong but the feeling of guilt and failure overcame me.

Y/N: "Oi y-ou can't beat you're older brother to the gr-ave."

I pulled his head to my shoulder and wrapped my other arm around him. I started to sob and soon it became painful, my cries sounded like screams and I pleaded for my brother to come back.

???: "Well~ If you want to see your brother I can make you meet him~"

A sharp sensation shot through my stomach and my cries stopped. I turned around and saw a strange looking curse with a pipe in its hand. Everything went blurry and then black.

A sharp gasp left my mouth as I shot up. I felt sick, I looked down and saw I was still in bed but I still was shook. My breathing was heavy and my body was shaking, I raised my arm and wiped my eyes. I looked over at my clock and it said it was five o'clock. I flung the sheets off myself and stood up. My legs wobbled but I propped myself up against the wall. I walked over to the sink and grabbed myself a glass of water. I guess I must've been sleep deprived to have a nightmare like that. Fuck!

I walked back to my wardrobe and changed into some baggy grey pants and a slim fitting black top. I threw on some black trainers and left my room. I walked out the dormitory and took off running. The breeze felt fresh against my skin and the path crunched below my feet. A smile made its way on my face and soon I finished a lap of one of the training fields.

I was stood on a small overlook of the field and began to think about what to do next. I walked down into the middle of the field and started to use image training. I thought of the fights against first grades and began to rush through each and everyone until I stopped. I opened my eyes and started to put the moves I used into practice, I focused on hand to hand and soon a bead of sweat rolled down my face. I used my forearm to wipe the sweat from my forehead and I began to do a full body workout.

-Timeskip(2 hours)-

I finished up my workout and sweat was pouring off my body. I took my top off and began to walk back to the dorms. The others should be waking a bit later so I won't bump into anyone.

I opened the door and walked towards my room. I cracked my neck before I heard a door open, I looked to my left and saw Kugisaki.

Y/N: "Mornin'"

Kugisaki: "M-mornin'"

Y/N: "What's up? Your face is slightly red."

Kugisaki: "N-n-nothing."

She slammed the door and I heard her sigh. I chuckled slightly before walking back to my room.

I opened the door and walked to the bathroom before undressing and getting into the shower. I washed the sweat off my body before getting out the shower and changing into an oversized jumper and jeans.

The Heavenly Restricted Sorcerer (male reader x Kugisaki Nobara)Where stories live. Discover now