~chapter thirty-six~

Start from the beginning

"Okay! And you can call me Layla." She walked away and all three of us stared desperately at George.

"Uh, what?"

"What do you mean 'Uh, what" You idiot." Sapnap mimicked him in a horrible British accent.


"Georgie," I  wrapped an arm around his shoulder, "She only let's people she really really likes call her by her first name. You must have really made a good impression."

"I hope so, now I just need to do the same for your parents Dreamie."

"Okay okay lovebirds, enough of this. Go turn the parade on most of the breakfast food is on the coffee table anyways." Sapnap exclaimed as he finished mashing the potatoes for the secondary dish.

"Tsk. Just wait till you get lovey dovey with Karl later, we'll see whose talking."

"Okay okay, c'mon Dream, let's go turn it on."

Once we both got it on, we sat down in the corner and George was laying across my lap sideways. His legs were across my lower area so his left shoulder was touching my right. Karl and Sapnap had finally left things in the oven to slow bake and Drista was sitting between them. We all loved how the onesies looked on each other and decided to take a selfie in the middle of the whole parade.

George claimed his favorite was snoopy and the classic turkey with the big 'Happy Thanksgiving' sign on the front. He was super snuggly this morning and he kept curling his head into the crook of my neck. Occasionally he would press small kisses to my jaw and play with my fingers as we watched and made conversation with the rest of them.


"Yes my love?" I whispered back as he continued to play with my fingers and look down at them.

"I know the day just started and all, but I'm really happy to be here with you. And for you to be here with me. I really wouldn't have it any other way. I know we just started dating and all, but I think you really are my soulmate romantic or not."

Shit what does this boy do to me.

"I'll always be there for you, I promised some time ago and I intend to keep it. Now I know we have been eating and snacking on the breakfast dishes but do you want another mini grilled cheese? I know you liked them."

"Oh! Yes please."

"Okay!" I swiftly leaned forward towards the coffee table and grabbed two mini grilled cheese's knowing he's a little foodie at heart. "Here you go, make sure you actually chew them instead of inhaling them."


"Yeah Dream, that was rude. Gogy come here I could treat you better." Sapnap said proudly, smirking at Karl and George while I glared at him.

"Sap shut-"

"Why of course Sappitus Nappitus." George was getting up from my lap but I pushed him back down when I tightened my grip around his waist. "H-Hey! Dream let me get up."

"No way, you're mine and mine only." I pushed him closer to me and pressed my lips softly next to his ear, away from the other's view. "Do I need to show you that as well?"

He blushed furiously and let his body fall limp against mine, I'm pretty sure I heard him mumble a 'no' towards me but I wanted to hear it myself.

"What was that?"

"HEY! How about you guys stop flirting over there and watch the parade." Drista spoke angrily, munching on her grilled cheese watching the SpongeBob float go ahead.

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