And the next thing she knew, Annabeth almost kicked her face.

"Holy Jesus, woman!" Eden stood up and glared at the blond as she ran toward three hazy figures. "God, what a dumbass."

Bitch ( Eden considered that their name wasn't that, but she couldn't remember it now. ) frowned at her. "Isn't it 'gods'?"

Eden gave them a lopsided smile. Her smiles never looked good unless she was around Clarisse, Travis, or Connor. "Once you start following the gods' orders? You start getting a new perspective of them. They're conceited. They're not helpful. They need us to stay alive, and they don't help us at all because of the fate of the world. My ass."

Besides, they wouldn't have a world if they failed. They would blame demigods for that to their deathbed.

Bitch landed the chariot and they went over to where Annabeth was, Eden walking blindly because she was finishing up her makeup. She heard the familiar sound of Annabeth cursing the gods ( Hera. ) and stomping of feet.

"Annabeth, my god, can you stop before you destroy this shit and we all fall and die?" Eden growled, looking at her, sneaking a glance at a familiar looking girl and she nearly choked and fucking fell on the ground.

The girl was honestly hotter in person. Her style reminded Eden of Thalia. Her eyes shifted in real life too.

Fuck. Eden was fucked.

Annabeth glared at her. "The skywalk won't fall off because I'm stomping on it."

"It will, because Zeus and Hera fucking hate us both," Eden had a hand on her hip, where a knife was hidden. "And then I'll say I told you so again. And just because I didn't get to say it the first time, I told you so."

"Annabeth, Eden," Bitch said before Eden could fucking scream. "Check it out."

He pointed at some dude's feet, which was honestly disgusting. Eden gagged. "Gross. Did you lose a shoe to l'appel du vide? Probably should get that back, pretty boy."

"That's not the right use for it," Annabeth said, and Eden huffed. "And he can't be it, Butch. He can't be the answer."

"You burst into my cabin for a fucking guy with one shoe, what else do you fucking need from him?" Eden snapped. "You want him to just pull my brother from his back pocket? Face it. It was useless. Anything from Hera's mouth is."

"He can't be," Annabeth insisted, glowering at Eden so harshly that if Eden wasn't Eden, she'd probably vaporize on the spot. "I was tricked, you can say I told you so." She looked up at the sky. "What do you want from me?" she screamed. "What have you done with him?"

The skywalk shuddered, and the horses whinnied urgently. Eden could hear their voices in her head — ow, ow, ow, that would definitely be a headache later — and she felt sick. She wanted to be out of the air. This wasn't her territory. She wanted gone from here.

"Annabeth," said Bitch, "we gotta leave. Let's get these three to camp and figure it out there. Those storm spirits might come back."

"What storm spirits?" Eden asked. Annabeth slapped her arm. That didn't really faze Eden.

"Fine." Annabeth fixed disgusting one shoe guy with a resentful look. "We'll settle this later."

She turned on her heel and marched toward the chariot.

"Thank god," Eden breathed out. "We can finally go home."

Dream Girl shook her head. "What's her problem? What's going on?"

"Seriously," a Latino dude that Eden didn't even see agreed.

"We have to get you out of here," Bitch said. "We'll explain on the way."

"We'll?" Eden repeated. She took out new earrings and started taking her old ones out. "Fuck that. I'm not involved in this at all."

"I'm not going anywhere with her." Sock Guy gestured toward Annabeth. "She looks like she wants to kill me."

"And you, you're crazy," Dream Girl pointed at Eden. "Zeus? Hera? The call of the void? Are you drunk?"

"You know French, huh?" Eden turned her head to the side. Definite daughter of Aphrodite. Damn. "Interesting. I am always drunk and never drunk. Alcohol or adrenaline or power doesn't matter. When you've got power, you've got it all."

Eden looked over at Bitch. "I'm over this. Get 'em to the chariot. I'll talk to the horsies."

She took out her mirror again and left, not wanting to be anywhere near them — especially that girl. That was a real bad omen. As if life couldn't get any worse.

BLOODSHOT . . . piper mcleanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora