What we didn't expect was the drop off. About three steps into the water, it had gone over our heads. Completely soaking us.

My first instinct was to grab Chris's hand, I'm guessing he had the same since we both managed to do so at the same time. We looked at each other, blushing a bit. I don't how he can turn the worst moments into the bests.

"I told you we should've stuck to the tracks." Vern complained, once again. "Is it me or are you the world's biggest pussy?" Teddy snapped at Vern.

"I suppose this is fun for you."
"No, but this is!" Teddy yelled, pushing Verns head under water. "Come on Teddy, act your age!" Chris yelled, trying to break them up.

"This is my age! I'm in the prime of my youth and I'll only be young once!" He argued back, making us both giggle.

"Yeah, but-"

"you're gonna be stupid for the rest of your life." I finished Chris's sentence. Teddy raised his eyebrows at me in shock "Oh-oh, Jones you just signed your own death-warrant! You die, North!" He swam closer to me, body checking me into the water.

"Hey, Teddy! Stop it, man!" Chris called out, laughing. Eventually it turned into a huge fight, play fight of course. Something we do 90% of the time. We all stopped fighting noticing Gordie walk away, he wasn't to impressed with us.

"Hey, where're you think you're going Lachance?" Chris stepped closer to the edge of the water. I smirked at Chris then Gordie, "yeah, Lachance"

Before Gordie could even explain, we all piled on top of him. "Come on you guys!" He yelled out, while we all proceeded to laugh. "Hey, Vern. There's something on your neck!" Gordie raised his voice in seriousness. "Yeah right, I'm not falling for that one Lachance." Vern chuckled.

I looked over at Verns neck. Oh shit, we're screwed. "No, Vern. There really is something on your neck!" I raised my voice in worry. Worried for Vern.

"It's a leech. Leeches!" Teddy screamed, making us all get up and start to take them off our arms. They got everywhere, we all started undressing until we were just in our undergarments. I hadn't even fully noticed I was until I looked up.

They were all staring at me, "I take back what I said" Teddy was the fist to speak. He was referring to how he said I had nothing there. "Stop staring you pervs" I crossed my arms. By doing so, my chest pushed closer together. "Oh man, that's really great. Sincerely!" Vern chuckled.

"Alright, alright. Stop staring at her, jeez." Chris defended me. Teddy looked over at him in disbelief, "it's not like you weren't staring either!" Chris scoffed, "I was not!"

"Were too!"

"Was not!" 

"Were too!"

Their fighting was interrupted by Gordie, "Oh, Chris" he looked down in absolute fear, "oh shit, Chris. Oh shit, man" He pulled out a leech, his hand covered in blood. I put my hand over my mouth, I felt really bad for him.

He didn't look too good, his eyes rolled to the back of his head. He came tumbling down to the ground.

We all rushed over to him, "Gordie, man, are you okay? Can you hear me? Gordie, are you there?" Chris questioned, shaking Gordie a bit to try and wake him up.

"Maybe he's dead" Vern suggested, he looked serious. I looked over at him in disbelief, "Omg, Vern" I shook my head, in complete disappointment. "What?"

"He's not dead, he's still breathing you idiot" Teddy answered, he also looked very disappointed. "Well I don't know!"

"Hey, cool it. He just fainted" Chris, looked over at the boys. I had my eyes set on Gordie, luckily I saw him start to wake up. "Gordie?"

He opened his eyes, "god, I never met anybody who fainted before" Vern chuckled. "Maybe he made a bad mistake and looked at your face" Teddy fought back. Them two were always fighting, even if it wasn't with each other.

I rolled my eyes, "shut up, Teddy. You okay, Gordie?" I asked, getting the boys to actually shut up this time. "Yeah" he spoke, quietly. "Let's go" Chris grabbed his arm and pulled him up.

We walked back to our clothes, I picked up and shirt and was interrupted by Teddy standing next to me, "nice Calvin Kleins" he winked. I looked forward and elbowed him in the stomach, laughing. He crouched down from the impact, "Yeah, I deserve that" he straightened his back and walked back to his clothes.

Chris and Vern laughed at our actions. I put on my clothes quickly, I couldn't bare another moment or another pair of eyes staring at me while I'm standing here in my underwear. It's different for guys.

I had heard enough of the guys fighting about taking Gordie back, "omg" I rolled my eyes in annoyance, walking away. I could basically feel Chris watching me walk away, I don't know how but I did.

"Hey, Gordoe" I slid down the tree, leaning my head back. "Hi" he answered quietly. I looked over at him, he could hear what they were saying, "I'm not going back, North" he said, seriously. I shook my head slowly, "I know" I pinched my lips into an awkward smile.

All we could hear now was Teddy and Vern going at it back and forth, like I said, always fighting. "Stop it" Gordie whispered. I smirked to myself, knowing shits about to go down. "Stop it" he raised his voice more. The guys just kept going.


Gordie Lachance had finally cracked, I raised my eyebrows in shock but with a smirk. In a way, I felt proud. "I'm not going back" he stood up and started walking away, I followed. I smirked at Chris as we walked by, he looked genuinely confused.

The rest of the boys followed us farther into the woods, even if we didn't he probably would have gone alone.

She's back in town // Chris ChambersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora