I Will Fix this, I Promise S2 E9

Start from the beginning

As if acting by themselves, my feet slowly took me towards the wrath of my father, only stopping when I was a few feet away from him.

"I can practically smell the betrayal off of you," father commented, getting to his feet. "Now, tell me something. Which knight were you with last night?"

"I wasn't with any knight," I shook my head defiantly. No way was I taking Leon down with me even though nothing had happened between us.

"Don't lie to me!" father yelled, taking a menacing step forward but I stood my ground. As if realising his own anger, he stopped in front of me and took a deep breath before continuing in a slow, clear voice. "Who was the knight?"

"I wasn't with any knight," I repeated calmly.

He moved before I could stop him, striking me around the cheek with an open palm sending my head swinging over to the side. My eyes widened with shock as I placed a shaking hand on my cheek.

"You stupid girl! Do you have any idea what could happen if this gets out? If people find out that you are in a relationship with a knight," father accused, grabbing onto my chin and making me face him, fighting back the tears that were choking in the back of my throat.

"There is no knight!" I fought back, removing his hand from me, and straightening my back, looking him dead in the eye. "For the last goddamn time... there is... no... knight."

"If any of the other kingdoms find out about this scandal... my god, it will be impossible to find anyone who would want to marry you. It's already difficult enough to find anyone," father continued, pacing around in front of me. "Why do you have to be so trying? I have given you everything and time and time again you humiliate me, you make a fool of me in front of my people, my kingdom and you do nothing but be a thorn in my side!"

"You don't need my help to be a fool, you do a good enough job of that by yourself," I blurted out before I could stop myself.

Father stopped his pacing and turned to face me, his face turning bright red.

"What did you just say to me?" Father practically snarled.

"I said that you are a fool. You are a hypocritical fool who has done nothing but make my life a living hell. You claim that you have given me everything, but tell me something, father..." I spat out the last words like they were venom on my tongue. "What is everything to you? What does that really mean? Not that that would matter. Because I am sure that whatever damn definition you come up with is wrong. Just like everything you say and everything you believe. Hunting down those with magic just to satisfy your thirst to prove that you are in charge and that you have power. So you pray on the weak, the innocent, the vulnerable, and then—then you expect everyone, magic or not, to just bow down to you. But the truth is, you don't deserve their loyalty nor the respect."

"You insolent, little—" father began to raise his hand again, and I prepared myself for the blow, but it never came.

A hand coated in red fabric grabbed onto his wrist and held it firmly.

"I suggest you take a moment to calm yourself, father, and step outside for some air," Arthur said firmly, moving so he was standing in between us.

"Arthur, don't do this," I whispered to him, not wanting him to take any blame as I'm sure he was about to do.

"I will vouch for my sister and tell you that I was the person she was walking with last night," Arthur continued, just as calm yet his voice was firm and held no space for disruption from the other man in the room. "The potion that Gaius gave her last night has side effects of sleepwalking, something that Chelsea did not know of. While on patrol last night I found her walking around the streets, clearly out of it. She was obviously underdressed after walking out of her room unconsciously so I held her close to me to keep her warm. You have got it wrong, father. The person who told you what they believed they saw was not lying but they just misinterpreted the situation."

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