Shoto: I've been regretting it my whole life.

Shigaraki: (crouches down) Man... are you good bro?

Shoto: (sighs) Not really bro.

∘₊✧─── TWENTY-ONE ───✧₊∘

Shoto, Bakugou and Deku: (walking into class together)

Shoto: (sees something out of the corner of his eye and stops)

Bakugou and Deku: (realising Shoto isn't next to them, they share confused looks and turn around)

Shoto: (has seen his shadow on the whiteboard and is currently holding his hand around its neck)

Bakugou: For fuck's sake Icyhot! Why are you like this?!

Deku: Please stop being so depressed!

Shinsou: (walking in behind them)

Kaminari: (sees Shinsou eyeing his own shadow) Shinsou. No.

∘₊✧─── TWENTY-TWO ───✧₊∘

Deku: (rambling about some new quirk analysis he's been doing instead of focusing on the history assignment)

Shoto: (sleep deprived for over 72 hours) Midoriya, you really are a great friend and I love you.

Deku: (tears up) Aww Shoto-kun, I love you t-

Shoto: But once in a while, a while meaning like right now, could you just shut the fuck up? You've been talking for ten minutes and I've wanted to find a cliff to jump off for 15.

Bakugou: (laughs so hard he falls off his chair nearby)

∘₊✧─── TWENTY-THREE ───✧₊∘

Shoto: (walks into the dorms hella pissed) 

Deku: Oh you're back, how did-

Shoto: (storms past and heads straight upstairs)

Class A: (heard a door slam shut from above and loud music that shakes the building)

Class A: (suddenly hear screaming into the distance, not just Shoto's voice)

Later that day...

Deku: (receives a text from Tokoyami) Oh, it's a picture.

Picture: Shoto passed out on a spare futon in Tokoyami's room. 

Tokoyami: Revelry in the dark.

∘₊✧─── TWENTY-FOUR ───✧₊∘

Shoto and Bakugou: (up far too early in the morning with their hair clipped back by pink bow clips, looking slightly unhinged)

Iida: (coming downstairs to go on a run) Good morning fellow classmates...

Bakugou: (brandishing a mop) Out of the way four eyes! This place is so fucking filthy I can't live like this anymore!

Shoto: (sitting on the kitchen counter, organising cutlery) My OCD is going wild right now, if this isn't done then the LOV are going to attack us!

Iida: When was the last time either of you slept?

Bakugou: Three days!

Shoto: (just laughs, eye twitching)

Iida: (takes out his phone to call Aizawa) Help...

∘₊✧─── TWENTY-FIVE ───✧₊∘

Shoto: (in a VR fighting simulation in class)

Shoto: (currently being held hostage by a masked villain)

Masked villain: I'm gonna put so many bullets in your head God won't even recognise you.

Shoto: (smirks, startling the class, before leaning forward to press his forehead against the barrel of the gun)

Shoto: I'm an Atheist, fire at will.

Masked villain: (stunned, allowing Shoto to freeze the gun and the villain to the ground)

Shoto: (removes the VR headset, looks towards Aizawa) How did I do?

Aizawa and the class: (thumbs up)

∘₊✧─── TWENTY-SIX ───✧₊∘

Shoto: (video calling his friends as they do a group project from home)

Endeavour: (walks in, flames and all, and frowns at the people on Shoto's laptop) Shoto, get me a glass of water.

Shoto: (doesn't look up from his notebook) Get it yourself.

Endeavour: (scowls) Now Shoto.

Shoto: (huffs before walking off)

Momo, Tsu and Ojiro: (watching closely)

Shoto: (returns and places a glass of ice on the table) Wait for it to melt, bitch.

Endeavour: (grabs the glass and melts it)

Shoto: (freezes Endeavour) Wait for it to melt. Bitch.

Shoto: (picks up his things and heads towards his bedroom)

Endeavour: (in the distance) This display of disrespect in my own home-

Shoto: (grinning, which he later denies, and shouts back) I'm sorry my Prada's at the cleaners along with my hoodie and fuck you flip flops, you pretentious asshole.

Ojiro: (screen records and posts it in the group chat)

Sero: (in the chat) We don't deserve him and his petty ways.

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