Aftermath Part 2

Depuis le début

"You don't have to worry no more," Hunter assured her, "we're all getting out of here." The two of them met back up with the rest of the group as Tech seemed to finally come up with an idea.

"I've got it, why didn't I think of it before? This is not a prison. It's a Kaminoan facility, it was built prior to the Clone Wars. There were no barracks or prisons when it was constructed. While these cells were retrofitted to hold normal individuals, they could not possibly account for someone with the size and strength like Wrecker." Wrecker then looked excited.

"You mean I could punch our way out?!" he exclaimed loudly gaining the guards attention just a little. They all shushed him telling him to quiet down.

"Oh, right," he lowered his voice to a whisper, "you mean I could punch our way out?"

"If you punch the correct spot" Tech said, walking over to the wall. He started to feel along the metal material along the wall until he found the right spot.

"Right here, punch hard."

"I'm gonna need some cover guys" Wrecker said. The others formed a bit of a wall around Wrecker where he couldn't be seen punching around. He put in a big strong punch that opened the wall a bit.

"Great, it worked" said Tech.

"Well how am I supposed to fit through there?" Wrecker asked.

"Actually I was going to suggest-"

"I'll do it" Ryla then spoke.

"Kid, are you sure?" Hunter questioned her.

"I'm sure, just trust me."

"Okay, get up through that wall, out of the ceiling to the other side of the shield. Then get to the console and hit the lever to lower the shield" Hunter instructed her.

"Okay." Ryla snuck into the wall and climbed her way into the air duct. When she was out of sight the guards had started making their way towards the cell.

"Incoming" Echo warned the others.

"Where's the girl?" one of the guards asked.

"You tell us" said Hunter with a threatening glare.

"Any of you harm her and you're all dead men" Echo also threatened.

"Operations," the trooper radioed through his comm-link, "we need a status report on prisoner 0219." He waited for a response then told the other guards.

"The prisoner is still registered in, she's still here." Suddenly the guards heard a strange banging come from the ceiling.

"What was that?" the same trooper asked looking up. Ryla had about slipped down from the ceiling. She was almost there.

"Sorry," Wrecker spoke, distracting them, "these floors don't hold me too well on account of them not being designed for abnormal individuals such as myself." Tech and Hunter exchanged looks with each other, Hunter gripping the bridge of this nose and sighing.

'That was close Wrecker' he thought to himself.

"What's behind you?" The trooper asked Wrecker.


"Move away from the wall" the trooper pointed his weapon towards him.

"Why don't you come out here and make me?!" Wrecker challenged. Suddenly Ryla finally broke through the  ceiling, landing on the floor with the troopers and the switch.

"Ryla! Get to the switch!" Hunter hollered. She ran to the switch when two of the guards jumped down infront of her. Surprising the batchers again she swiftly pulled out her knife and fought down the guards herself.

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