
"How about now?"






"I can do this all day long. No, no, no, and still no." Grug yells which shut her up quickly.

Oh and the journey continues now in the turkey fish hunting grounds

"I'm not dying on an empty stomach."

"Grug, we're all pretty tired."

"I'm pretty dizzy, so I'm just going to lay down for a minute."

"We'll eat when we get there," Grug said, Belt was in Vanessa's arms and Gran looked at it like it was her prey.

"It's taking too long! I'm grabbing a snack," Gran launches towards Vanessa and tries to grab Belt. He pulls out a bone knife and defends himself.

"No. No. No. Don't do that. He will cut you. That's not food, he's a pet. My pet," Guy protested.

"What's a pet?" Gran asks as her eyes were still on Belt.

"An animal that you don't eat"

Gran chuckles "We call those children. No man should have a pet. It's wired and wrong It's-" Gran looks up and spots a giant bird "....Its food!"

Guy's eyes widened "No, no please!"

Vanessa giggled "Not that," she pointed towards the bird "That."

The Croods hide from the view of the bird "Food fixes everything," Grug states, he grabs Thunk "Alright, show me your hunting face."Arrrg?" Thunk growled, trying to make a hunting face.

"Arrrg!" Eep jumped in between then and showed her hunting face, Grug pushed her back "Not you! You're still grounded, keep Vanessa safe," he turned to Thunk "Come on, Thunk."

"My feet hurt," Thunk whined as his father dragged him away

Leaning against a rock next to Gran, Sandy, Eep, Vanessa and Ugga. Eep uses Guy as a stepping stone to get onto the rock. "Oww!" Guy yelled, Eep didn't even pay attention. Vanessa stood on her tippy toes and gently placed her hands on Guy's head tilting it down, checking for any injuries "Are you okay? When Eep is hunting the only thing she cares about is food."

Guy stiffness "Y-yes I'm fine. Thank you." Vanessa gently lets go and turns back to watch the event. Guy looks up and sees Eep was agitated. "You look tense."

"I'm not tense," Eep replied quickly as she continued to stare in the direction the men went. Gran leans in "Angry girl wants to be doing what they're doing," she jested to Grug and Thunk who was carrying the bird's egg while it chased him down.

"Ow! I wasn't ready" Thunk yelled, he crashed through the bushes, pursued by the Turkey Fish. "Hang on Thunk, I'm coming!" Grug yelled, holding on to the bird's tail.

"Why are you doing this?" Thunk yelled at the Turkey Fish.

"What are they doing?" Guy turned to Ugga.

"Hunting," she answered.

"Get it off! You stay away from me!" Thunk yelled as he ran past them while the bird chased him.

"No seriously, what are they doing?" Guy asked in disbelief. The Turkeyfish squashes Grug into the ground.Then continues chasing Thunk.

"You've got a ton of eggs. Just make another egg!" Thunk gets flung in the air and splats against a rock, causes the egg in his hands to fly in the air. The Turkey Fish catches it and gently places it on a rock it climbs to the top of the rock. "Your just rubbing it in," Thunk says in defeat as the bird jumps in the air and lands on top of him.

The Croods  (Guy X Black Woman Oc)Where stories live. Discover now