TSP 22: Unequal

39 6 2

You only love me when I say I love you...

You only think of me when I appear in front of your eyes, waving my hands for another set of topics I am ready to visualize with you.

You only care for me when I run towards you, eyes overflowing with tears as I say I am troubled.

You only talk about me when someone else mentions my name and ask a little of your story.

You only miss me after I appear from a long wait of whether you'll look for me or not, after I tell you how my day went without your presence.

You only love me when I am around, when I flatter your heart with my laughter, my songs and my poetry.

You only love me when I say I love you.

The Sanctuary of Pain (POETRY)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant