Forever Mine

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Final Chap 

16 JULY 2021

Hi guys... finally this FF meet an end. This is not the ending that I've in my mind when I first write it but somehow the ending changed along with the original storyline. I hope you guys enjoy your reading. 


3rd POV

"He is my husband. We get married after high school because of our family but we are boyfriend even before that." Beam tell their friends because they don't want to keep secret anymore. They want to act lovely in front of others just like Phayo, MingKit and ParkLam and so they make this decision.

"What?" Pha, Park and Lam ask in unison and the others just gasp and awe.

"Are you not kidding, right, Phi?"

"Why would we be kidding about our feeling? This is real and no. I'm not sick Pha, Forth really is my husband. A lovely one." Beam say while give his sweet smile to Forth. Forth give Beam a kiss on the forehead just on his hairline.

Forth is proud of Beam because he always wants to tell people about them so they don't need to meet and secret and they don't have to witness something that will hurt each other feeling. Today Beam take the first initiative to tell their friend because he knows how much Forth want to tell people and how possessive is Forth toward himself.

"So, that's why you have the gear. I thought you say you got it from your first love and that first love of yours is Forth?" Pha ask Beam when he recall he see Beam with gear for some time.

"Of course, Forth is my first love. He is the stupid dumbass that didn't get the hint about my feeling when I courting him." Beam say as he leaning into Forth chest and playing with their wedding ring on Forth finger.

"You. Beam Baramee court him? Forth Jaturapoom?"

"No. We both court each other but didn't say it out loud. So, we both miss the hint from each other because busy with the courting thing. But eventually, here we are married for 4 years and it's Beam Jaturapoom." Forth say after being silence for sometime from the moment they seat around the coffee table.

"Wow! Beam you use his last name? I thought you will always the upper hand in everything you want." Kit asks unamused because he know Beam ready to sacrifice everything if it's related to his love one.

"But Forth if you say you guys get married after high school is that the time when we supposed to go having fun with the boys?" Park ask since the three of them go to the same high school.

"Park, you remember the time when I say I need to go back home? Because I say Fame is sick? That's when I see Beam for the first time since he moved out of our town. We met every week after that until our parent decide to get us marry when we already boyfriend at that time. We get married before I went hang out with you guys and the boys because of you guys, I didn't get to spend my first night with Beam. Right, Love?"

"Ahhhhh... So, when you say you promise them something, you means hang out with them? You should just bring me with you and introduce me as yours." Beam turn to Forth side to look him in the eyes.

"Shit! That's why you say you need to go back that night when we just arrive there? Because you don't want to leave him alone in your bedroom?" Lam ask his curiosity out while Forth just scratch his not itchy hair.

"Lam, can you imagine if one day you marry Park and Park need to go to work right after your wedding. How would that feel?"

"Damn. That's hurt bro. I will just hand my resign letter if that really happen." Park exclaimed and reaches out to Forth for a handshake and Forth just nod. "That's okay. It's your work. So, its fine with if its unavoidable because it's not like we will be apart forever. We already married to each other and there is no break up after marriage especially when you marry me, Park." Lam retort Park answer without looking at Park reaction because he is getting red just thinking about their marriage.

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