Aish. Stop sounding like a pervert, King!’ Joong Ki cursed to himself. And so for the last time, he tried again. “Beenie, feel free to be comfortable, this house has many rooms so you can crash here for tonight and everyday, for as long as you like, and my butler is out on vacation anyway.” 

‘There, that should clear any misleading thoughts on her part,’ Joong Ki admits he does have a weird way with words sometimes, often the intention does not get across and comes way off, him realizing, embarrassingly too late. He thought as he took Yeo Been’s hand. He then guided her to the guest room, telling her as he ushered her, “Come on Beenie, the room’s waiting.”

“Yaaaaaahh!” He heard a scream and a backpack landing on his head.


Yeo Been sat in the guest room bed. Her weight sinking in the soft mattress, feet burrowed in the thick carpet while her toes absentmindedly dug in, enjoying the warmth. She gave the room a quick look. It is huge, expansive and must be the size equal to 4 of her dorm room. The drapes line up from ceiling to floor next to a balcony that overlooks the Seoul city lights. The room boasts hues of cream, light brown, and white, typical of opulence. While the bed she was sitting on has a lounge chair on its end. ‘If this was the guest room, then what would the master’s bedroom be like? She thought briefly before she heard a knock on the door.

“May I come in?” She heard Joong Ki say.


“I fixed you some hot choc—” Joong Ki paused mid-sentence.

Joong Ki had given her his white long sleeve shirt and a pair of jogging pants to change into the night. She was hesitant at first but gave in eventually. It was a simple gesture. A friend aiding another friend in need. Only Yeo Been wasn’t his friend anymore. She’s his girlfriend now. The thought gave him chills, the fluttering kind. And seeing her in his clothes made some neural connections in his brain go loose. He looked at her. His white long sleeves hanging lopsided onto her bare shoulders, obviously too big. And then his eyes trailed down to look at his jogging pants and found them unworn. That was the moment his mouth fell.

“Your shirt is too big. And did you notice one button is missing? It opens up so I have to wear it like this. If you have a spare button, I’ll fix this tomorrow,” Yeo Been informed him, unaware of the temporary coma Joong Ki was having. 

Joong Ki was able to point his index finger at least at Yeo Been. “You’re, you’re not wearing—”

“Ah yes. They’re loose as well. I can’t walk in them, they slide off my waist, plus your shirt is long enough. I just paired it with my boyleg I found in my bag.”

“You’re hot—” Joong Ki began to praise her.

“Ooh! Myot choco!” Yeo Been happily took the steaming mug from Joong Ki’s hands. “Thank you, Joong Ki. For this. For today.” 

‘Glad she didn’t catch that.’ Joong Ki thought with a smile. “So, I, uh, thought you might have trouble sleeping, I can keep you company until you fall asleep,” he offered hopefully.

“Didn’t you say you were tired? I’m okay. Get some sleep. And let my lips get some rest too,” Yeo Been finished with a knowing smile.


“Night Joong Ki.” Yeo Been pulled him towards the door until he’s out of the room. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He heard her say before his face felt the cool wooden surface, the guest room door closing with a soft thud. 

Joong Ki stayed on the other side of the door. Unable to move. He never wanted to leave her side. But he didn’t want to appear like a hormone-crazed boyfriend either so with a heavy sigh, he made way to the master’s bedroom with his thoughts resonating in his head. ‘Sleep tight Beenie, I love you. See you in my dreams.’ 

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