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12:04 AM

“Aww. Come here.” Joong Ki let go of her hands so he could comb his finger through her hair, tucking a rebellious strand behind her ear. “Kissing is about feeling—” Joong Ki said as he planted a chaste kiss on her lips. “Kissing is about letting go and being lost in the moment—” He gives her another, this time breaking contact after a little longer. “Kissing for me is only for the person I love aaaannnd—” emphasizing the ‘and’ to give a grand entrance to his next words. “And when you love the person who kisses you, you have to kiss that person back,” Joong Ki finishes before craning his neck for another kiss, but not before he asks her, “Will you kiss me back?”

Yeo Been had to fight the urge to audibly scream ‘Yah!’ at him. Her lips would hurt after all. But this guy in front of her pushes his luck too much since they've arrived, why? The bastard's given her too many kisses already! 

“Will you kiss me back?” She heard Joong Ki say before she felt his lips again. 

‘Certainly,’ her heart said.


You will only know you’ve lost time when one minute you looked at your watch and it said 12 midnight and the next time you looked at it, the hand points now at 2 in the morning. Joong Ki felt it was just minutes when he and Yeo Been officially began their relationship with their first mutual kiss. And how did their kiss fare? It was not textbook material, nothing of the drama series kind, but instead it was all natural, hesitant but alternate, heated and timid, lips locking with too many intervals of genuine smiles between their mouths, as if their mouths were just getting to know each other too—exchanging their Hi’s and Hello’s, sharing their interests and dislikes before diving in again for another heated ‘conversation.’

“Joong Ki, what time is it?” Yeo Been tugged at his shirt again since he didn’t answer her the first time she asked. He was lost in thoughts after he realized they had been ‘conversing’ for almost 2 hours.

“It’s 2 in the morning Beenie,” he finally answered, snuggling at the crook of her neck. Somehow, he maneuvered himself from kneeling in front of her to sitting beside her, their sides glued together, occupying less than half of the massive couch. Yeo Been was resting her back against his left arm while he was facing her sideways, hovering over her.

“What?! I have to go!” Yeo Been proceeded to stretch her arms before springing herself to stand up but Joong Ki prevented her.

“It’s sem break already. No classes. Let’s stay like this for a while, hmmm?” Joong Ki grabbed the opportunity to wrap his arms around Yeo Been’s waist as she raised her arms. 

“Joong Ki—I don’t think I have a change of clothes in my bag. And besides—” Yeo Been pushes Joong Ki gently, giving her room to finally scan the place. “This is your place, I can’t stay here.”

“Wha? No! I mean, Beenie, it’s late, and I am tired too—” Joong Ki faking a yawn, covering his mouth in doing so, before he proceeded. “I’m afraid I can’t drive to IU and back here again, I might fall asleep on the wheel.” Another fake yawn.

Yeo Been raised her eyebrows, waiting for Joong Ki’s point. 

“Soooo, why don’t you stay here with me,” Joong Ki said sheepishly, throwing her a quick single-eyed wink. 

“Omo!” She covered her mouth with her hands, “How scandalous!” Yeo Been exclaimed, finally able to stand up.  

“Don’t worry, it’s just the two of us,” Joong Ki reassured her, but seeing how Yeo Been’s eyes grew bigger, he realized how he must have sounded to her. So he quickly supplied “Anya! What I meant was you can feel comfortable, there’s no else around in the house. We can do anything we want.” Now that sounded even worse because Yeo Been took an unconscious step back to which Joong Ki noticed as well. 

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