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This chapter was written by CzaPed,  my partner.


“May I take your order, Sir?” Yeo Been asked her favorite customer with a broad smile. The young lad who was already grinning met her eyes as soon as she came out of the kitchen and was expectantly waiting for her to come to his spot. The two just looked at each other for a whole minute before the guy hesitantly took the menu card from Yeo Been and cleared his throat. 

“Hmm, what will you recommend for me tonight?” The guy asked, throwing her a playful look. 

“Yah! Just order already!” Yeo Been punched Joong Ki’s shoulder. He was sitting in his usual spot in Arno’s Diner and was patiently waiting for her to come out from the kitchen. It was the last day of midterm exams and everyone was celebrating, half of the semester has come to an end and tonight marks the start of their freedom and a 3-week long break. Yeo Been and Joong Ki have agreed to meet at the diner since his exams concluded much later than hers. 

“Aww! Fine, I’ll have…” Joong Ki taking his time browsing the small menu. “Ok, I’ll have… you.” 

“What?” Yeo Been asked Joong Ki again, her 2-way radio earpiece producing static sound. “Sorry I didn’t catch that.” 

“I’ll have you, to go.” This time Joong Ki said it clearly, wondering how she’ll react. 

“Wha—? Wait, I can’t—argh!” Yeo Been readjusts her earpiece. “My earpiece must be busted. Anyway, you’ll have the usual?” 

Joong Ki frowned but nodded. “Okay.” Yeo Been gave him a concerned look. “Why? What’s wrong? I’ll prep your order right away okay? I’ll get off in an hour anyway, wait for me!” The latter giving him his arm a squeeze before going back to the kitchen. 

Joong Ki stared at Yeo Been until she disappeared from his view. He had planned to spend the rest of the night with Yeo Been but she needed to cover for a colleague at the last minute. ‘There goes our tickets to the concert,’ Joong Ki sighed. ‘It’s the end of midterm and Beenie can’t even celebrate today.’ He wanted to surprise her by taking her to a concert but did not foresee that she needed to work on her rest day. In fact, everyone in IU has gone celebrating, parties thrown here and there and bars and drinking spots are full to the brim with the students. Joong Ki thought that of all the students who were celebrating that night, Yeo Been deserved it the most. 

“Here’s your hotdog sandwich!” Yeo Been re-emerged from the kitchen, holding his order. She was looking at him sweetly before adding, “I prepared it myself, just the way you like it: easy on the mustard, very little ketchup, lots of greens, in short, it’s tasteless!” She finished containing her grin. 

“Share it with me then.” Joong Ki eyed his meal, taking Yeo Been’s hand, urging her to sit. 

“You know I can’t—“ 

“Hey, can we get someone to attend to us here?!” Shouted a voice coming from a group of male students. 

“I have to go, enjoy your sandwich!” Yeo Been said to Joong Ki as she hurriedly left to go to the other side of the diner.


‘Yes! 11pm! Finally waitress Beenie is clocking out!’ Yeo Been excitedly removed her apron, cap, and surrendered her earpiece to the counter. “See you tomorrow, Chef Toto!” She happily waved to the chef. 

Yeo Been exited the diner in an almost prancing way, eager to meet Joong Ki in the parking lot when she was stopped in her tracks by an ice hockey stick sticking in front of her.  She looked up and saw the same college guy who was previously at the diner. Yeo Been remembers him and his brother very well as they ordered repeatedly during her shift. They would demand for condiments, ice, napkins and would specifically request for her to attend to them to mop the spilled iced tea that she suspects they intentionally caused while exchanging knowing glances and snickers between them and their group.  But despite their rudeness, she knew better than to argue with a customer and just kept her cool.  

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