Chapter 14: use the foyer

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Parker's pov

Maybe it's not so much what you asked me buts stuck in my heart.

The favor you are asking me stings like a bee in an open would...

Trying to put some thoughts together,, i kept receiving different calls from the corporation.

I had to closed my song ledger for the Mean and log into the internet.

There were so many business tweet ups popping into my phone.

Is this how life of a business man really is??

I haven't even had time for himself all day.

There was a call to a conference meeting today, getting to know me more.

I got so pissed up,I smashed my phone and I left the house.

Arrayed with a head band, rugged jeans and baggy T-shirt.

My parents hadn't even been present at home.

this is what they always did back then when i was a kid.
I was robbed of the time I'll spend with them.

And I had to leave up to their expectations.

how can I ever take off the memory of terry who was like a mother,
a sister and everything to me.

I arrived at the hotel I usually use to login so i can't attend the stupid conference.

when Ingot there and I didn't book a lounge but i needed some space so Went down to my secret spot and lodge there.

it's an expensive spot for multi billionaires.
My keyboard stand was there.

For sure that was where my parents can never find me.

Diamond's pov

"I'm sorry miss we can't allow you use the escalator . It's off limits!" A security guard said to me while I was tryna use the escalator to leave the damn hotel.

"What! But I can see some folks alighting from it already, so why can't I use it?" I protested tousling my hair.
Why am I finding it hard to leave, I tried using the elevator before but I was restricted.

"You can't use it for some security reasons
a restraint complain was fired against you,." He brought out an I'd and showed it to me.

Yes I could boldly see that the I.d belongs to me, but how on earth did they get it??
Gosh this is confusing

"But sir May I just know why?? It's not like I am a criminal you can go ahead and search me
I really need to leave now, I was banned from the elevator too with same complains." I tried defending myself but they cut me out.

"There's no need to scrutinize you when we have a solid proof with us So you better don't press harder, else we will call for a Antoney"

"Then how do I leave??"

"There's an alternate means using the foyer exiting spot." He said and gave me a map.
With some directions on it, I looked at them and they back at the map wondering why they want me to go through there.

Anyway I just had to obey and started heading to the foyer.
When i got there I tried looking for the exit door.

This place was damn complicating, there were do many doors and stairs but no one seems to be leading out.

it was creepy and as silent as a grave yard.
After wandering about for almost an hour, I decided to take a break I think I'm lost.

Just then, I over head the sound of a keyboard coming from nowhere.

I couldn't resist the breed that I had to trailed until it took me to a darkroom again not quite distant from where I had stood.


I spotted Parker sitting before the keyboard stand.

I watched as his fingers danced on the keys at the same time thinking of why he was here?

As I observed closely, tears was running down his cheeks.

A part of me when numb, my heart skipped abit, was it because how cute he looks while he cried or the pain of watching my celebrity crush cry?

Why on earth does is he shedding tears?

Is this what he does in secret?

After playing the keys for what seems like an hour to me, he sniffled and stood up. He dip his hands in his pocket and brought out a pendant.

he stared at for a while as if hoping to get solace from it, suddenly he did something crazy.

He crashed his lips with the pendant and kissed it passionately.

Like hell he couldn't be in love with that mere mental, there must be something to that pendant.

could that pendant be related to why he was crying?

My heart was crushing really badly,, watching him sulk and just standing here will do me no good.

So instead of prying into his private life by spying on him, I descided to do something stupid.

That's if you will agree with me that going to confront him is stupid then we are on the same track, but I don't mind.

I tiptoed to where he was and stood behind him.

I opened my mouth to call his name but instead I lost my voice, my lips started trembling and my body shaking in nervousness.

Breath diamond just breath.

I urge myself and breath in and out.

I just can't imagine myself standing behind him right now, my celebrity crush.

You won't know how I feel until you happen to come across if your celebrity crush in physical.

I know that I've been with him few times but being with him at the lonely spot just felt extraordinarily.

I just wanted to leave when suddenly he turned around and before me stood a dumbfounded Parker.

"You??" His eyes deliated In shock on seeing me.

Her knight in shiny amor. (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن