"I told her we are friends-"

"No, we're not. Just leave-"

Venti gasps loudly making Xiao's irritation jump up to it's boiling point. "So it is your blood!" Venti noisily declared and within a blink he's beside Xiao.

"Don't touch it!" Xiao hisses when Venti gently touched the gaping cavern of blood oozing from his side. Venti apologizes before closing his eyes. Harsh words along the lines of leave me alone dies in Xiao's throat at the feeling of wind.

It's not just any wind. Xiao watches as the tips of Venti's blue braids glow, his dainty hand hovers above his gash. For a brief moment, a wind born of freedom and purity(the complete opposite of Xiao's tainted born-evil powers) flows in the room. It leaves as fast as it arrives.

"It's gone..." Xiao whispers, staring at the spot where the gash was. Surprisingly, it's not just the gash but the daily binds suffocating his entire being loosened. Not to an extent but it loosened like never before... no, like that one time in Guyun Stone forest when Venti played the flute and he was being swallowed into the karmic abyss.

"Anemo can cure injuries, well not all injuries but most" Venti nods. He folds his arms with a thoughtful look on his face that Xiao didn't find cute(he's a liar, he totally did find Venti's expression cute).

"Your injury wasn't that deep. Why didn't you treat it with your Anemo? You've been sitting in here long enough for it to look like this- as if you've never got the injury"

Xiao looks away from Venti's now serious face. "My karmic binds corrupted even my vision. If I used it to heal, i'll just inject more of that karmic binds"

"I see." Venti replied but he's buried deep within his head. Xiao watches in curiosity as well as astonishment(astonishment that someone could look so beautiful) as Venti furrowed his eyebrows. After some time, Venti stops being serious.

"Then that means I should come back everyday to check on you, Xiao~" Venti singsongs, getting all giggly as if he wasn't serious a second ago.

"Check on me?" Xiao stands, towering a few inches with his arms crossed. "I thank you for healing me but that's enough. I won't get hurt so no need to come back"

"And here you were yesterday, begging me to come back to play you a tune" Venti smugly chuckles before summoning his lyre. Xiao watches in irritation when Venti drags a chair to settle beside his bed.

"Now, hush hush. I'll play you the tune I talked about yesterday"


"So how was that?" Venti smiles a little after his song. It's now midnight, they've been quietly sitting facing each other without talking. The music spoke for them as they listen to the lyre's melodic words.

"It's... okay" Xiao stoically declared.

"You sound unsure. Perhaps you liked it to the point you were shy to praise me?" Venti cheekily smirked. Xiao's cheeks were crimson as he shakes his head, his eyes looking away.

"Did you feel your karmic binds lessening?" Venti's tone was back to seriousness. Xiao's eyes widened, so he wasn't going crazy and feeling like his eternal chains were unlocking by themselves.

"Were you playing this particular tune for a purpose?" Xiao asked.

"It is the tune I played back in Guyun" Venti nods his head. 'So that's why it sounded familiar' Xiao mentally confirmed, the tune made him peaceful to the point he became sleepy. Xiao never slept, he only closed his eyes for a moment and that's it. So far, only Venti's tunes made him sleepy.

"Xiao" Venti leans closer, blue eyes gazing into amber ones. "I want to help, even if a little. I'll play you this tune everyday"

"That's unnecessary." Xiao shakes his head. "My curse is eternal and I soon will be devoured by it. Not even a god can help me so don't waste your time on a dying soul like me"

Venti's heart ached for Xiao because that's the truth. He couldn't imagine how hurting Xiao is inside, it must be painful knowing your destiny. The archon smiles sadly while looking at Xiao who's glaring at him.

"We're just so similar yet so different." Venti whispers but Xiao hears it. It catches the adeptus' attention, he looks at Venti expecting for his explanation but Venti only ignores his words. Venti looks up, back to smiling like he had no problems "How about this? You owe me for saving you. All I ask for is to be at your side and play music for you, is that okay?"

"Is this a contract?" Xiao asked.

"You can consider it as one but I don't. I'm the god of freedom, I don't tie myself to commitment" Venti hums, rubbing his chin. "Hmm~ I see it as a favor. A favor from your friend! Venti, the bard by yours truly~"

Xiao's hard gaze hardens at Venti's face. He looked weird with his tongue sticking out and his fingers forming a- what is that hideous sign? (it's a peace sign✌️). Even if Venti was foreign and overwhelming, he was gentle and caring. Again, he saved Xiao earlier. Saved him from asking Ganyu about herbal treatment(he absolutely despises social interactions). His tunes are peaceful and refreshing. Like cold mountain water under the scorching sun.

"I guess I do owe you" Xiao sighs. He nods "Our contract has been set in stone."

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