u.. a date?

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im sooo sorry ive been gone for way to long, but ive been dealing with some mental health issues anywayy we aree back.. and also ty lovelyheart24_  ur so sweet i cant <3

lexi got home took a shower and went to bed.. really hiding the truth.

the next morning Andrew woke up with a few missed calls on his phone who was it from? a onknown number he wasnt going to answer that anyway. his plan for today was defenitly to hang out with his bestfriend sebastian: today 

when in the shower he tought about lexi wasnt it weird how she just ran away..? he got acall from sebastian

"hey man" "are u still down to get some dinner?" "sure ill get there at 8" before hanging up sebastian screamed "mind if i ya know bring my date?" "u have a date!?" "dont make me laugh"..

the afternoon passed by very quick he grabbed his car keys and was ready to go third wheeling. 

it wasnt like a very expensive looking restaurant but it defenitly was pretty. he sat down on the tabel "funny prank man where is ur date haha" "stfu shes in the bathroom" he cheked the menu and saw all the delicious food. finally he wasnt thinking about lexi.

untill he looked up...

cliffhanger hehe... im sorry for the short chapter but im gonna write another one tommorow or tonight :)

Lexi & Andrew // Landrew : a complicated love storyWhere stories live. Discover now