where were they?

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The next Morning:

Lexi slowly woke up and immediately remembered what happended last night she checked the clock on her nightstand it was 9 am .she took a look at Andrew who has slept almost 7 hours on that damn chair she felt bad 'he must have a broken neck now' she lifted up te covers and slowly got up so she wouldnt make any noise 'Hannah went to Ben's house last night' that's for sure she was talking al flirty and dirty with him when walking out the door. "They probably did the nasty" Lexi flinched backwards. it was just Andrew with his deep morning voice.

"Andrew you scared me!" she laughed "you deserved that after letting me sleep on a frickin chair" "ur right im sorry are you okay?" "yeah just a little neck pain.." "u should go to the docter for that" Andrew just smiled. Lexi walked into the bathroom and got changed.

"lets head downstairs its already 9 am" Andrew nodded and walked right behind her when they where almost at the end of the stairs ....

When Brent stood in the hallway he knew that Andrew spend the night he heard from Ben that he didnt went right home after helping Lexi "well well well what do we have here" Brent sayd with a loud voice .he smiled. "shoot" Lexi whispered "goodmorning Brent" Andrew jawned he seemed cool he walked past Lexi straight to the kitchen he pretended like nothing happened??

Brent was just very confused: "do you want breakfast Lexi?" "Sure"

After breakfast they both went their own way. Lexi went to pierson to film her video. while Andrew went somwhere no one expected him to go...


Im really sorry this is quit a short chapter but i was really bussy with school and had no inspiration :(

anywayss if you have ideas for me put it in the comments!!

also thanks for voting RoohiKhanna8 <3

there might be a new chapter tonight :))

ily 💜

Lexi & Andrew // Landrew : a complicated love storyWhere stories live. Discover now