Chapter 25- Taking Over

Start from the beginning

“Then we have to go back, you know whatever is happening there at this moment must be urgent, they saw what happened, they wouldn’t just pull Liberty away unless it was something significant.” Eric’s mental voice was full of authority, as I followed his lips forming each word, and no matter how cold his answer sounded he was right. But still I could feel Logan’s anger building, he didn’t think Eric cared and from what I was reading all I could feel was cold collectiveness. Maybe Logan was right, maybe he didn’t care.

“People keep forgetting I can read minds don’t they.” I said in an amused yet sad tone, Tony nodded and gave me a small but sad smile. He slipped his arm off my shoulders and laid both palms on his lap.

“What’s happening now?” he asked as Eric and Logan darted a glace towards us. I smiled sadly at him and grabbed his hands in mine, and just sat there for a few seconds. It’s strange how much you miss people before you have to leave, it makes leaving all that much harder. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

“I’m going back to the School with Logan and Eric, myself and they understand that whatever they need me for must he urgent or they wouldn’t have asked, especially after what’s happened.” Tony nodded and smiled down at me.

“You have no idea how much I missed you, and I already have to say goodbye again.” I chuckled and squeezed his hands. My heart constricted in my chest this pain was more bearable than joy, I was used to it, but that didn’t stop it hurting.

“I have I small idea how much you missed me, and also you could have said goodbye last time I was here, you just never wanted to.” Tony chuckled and squeezed my hands back. Eric and Logan began to walk back towards the living area, when I leaned forward.

I pressed my lips gently against Tony’s bottom lip, still slightly swollen from the aftermath, but as I kissed him it reduced in size, and I watched as the bronze and silver haze poured from me and soaked into Tony, filling his body, he glowed slightly as I healed him. I pulled my lips from him and squeezed his hands.

“You should be fine now Tony, your new muscle tissue will learn from the muscle around it, you should be running, jumping and flying in no time.” Do not bring up the Mark V. He chuckled as I stood up from the sofa, and looked at Eric and Logan. Logan hand an anger fed guilt look in his deep blue eyes while Eric had a scowl aimed toward Tony buried deep beneath layers of poise and purpose.

I rolled my eyes and looked at the two men before.

“You really don’t have to say anything. Let me make my goodbyes and then we’ll leave.” My voice shook with each breath I took; I looked at the sofa to see the most of the avengers assembled in front of me. Bruce and Hawkeye got up from the sofa and walked towards me, joy evident in their eyes as much as the tears. I smiled up at them and gave them both a hug. They’re arms wrapped around me in tight embrace.

“Liberty you know I’m always listening no matter how far away I am.” Bruce gently spoke into my ear. I nodded as he placed a delicate kiss on my cheek. He pulled away just leaving Hawkeye clinging to me in a tight but comfortable hug.

“Liberty what you did for both Tony and that little girl was incredible, your incredible. It’s very rare to find anyone like you anymore Liberty.” He pressed his lips against my ear as I felt his tears pour from his cheeks onto mine. I nodded and kissed him on the cheek back and pulled away to look into his glazed eyes.

“I’m not going anywhere Clint.” I said with a light pleasant smile on my lips. Clint finally pulled away from me and rubbed the back of his hand over his cheeks.

“And Tony, this time I think its best we say goodbye.” I smirked at him and he smirked back. He nodded and walked surely over to me. He embraced me in a large hug and pulled my body against his. I nuzzled into the crook of his neck and sighed. He pressed his lips against my ear and gently whispered to me.

“Goodbye Liberty, I’ll always be listening.” I nodded and pulled away from Tony. I kissed his cheek and nodded to him with an unstable smile on my lips.

“Goodbye Tony, I’ll see you soon.” He chuckled and gave me a two fingered salute.

“I’ll hold you to that Liberty.” I smiled over my shoulder as I turned to leave with Eric and Logan. We walked in silence as I could still feel each kiss from the people I loved. My skin had pricked up on my ear and cheek, and my lips had a static hum to them also.

I trailed my fingers over my lips as we exited the safe house. The sky here was blue but still there in the distance we saw the red and grey chaos ridden sky. We walked up to the coastal rode where Scott leaned against a black Audi A8. I didn’t speak a single word to him and Logan opened the back seat door allowing me to slide in.

Logan slid in after me and sat there with his leather jacket which shrieked against the leather interior as he made himself comfortable. Eric slid into the front seat which had an acrylic partition making all audible noise on that side mute.

I looked out of the black tinted windows out to the choppy blue seas reflected against the sky. I felt my bronze haze take the form of my phone and in-ear phones. I searched my music libraries and found the prefect song. “Not Strong Enough by Apocalyptica.” As I stared out at the sea following the grave costal rode, my eyes began to close.

The pain, the joy and the hurt from saying goodbye so soon had exhausted me. I felt my eye lids grow heavy as I remembered Eric’s kiss. I trailed my nail over my lips suddenly nicking the tender flesh, but still it didn’t stop exhaustion taking over my mind.

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