The Faux Angel

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"You look like, look like a queen!" Declared Christopher as he too made it over to Y/N to get a better look. He ran his small hands over the dress's fabric and 'wow'ed at how soft it was. 

"I feel like a queen," Y/N blushed. The Undertaker was going to have to give her this makeup routine.

"Well we can't keep you waiting," sighed Alice, "There's a carriage waiting for you outside. It's a ways to the Viscount's so you best be going." Y/N nodded before thanking everyone and hugging them all one last time before she left the pub. The cool night air wafted over her like an invisible fog. 

"Let's do this," Y/N muttered to herself as she stepped into the carriage, bound for the Viscount of Druitt's party.

When she arrived Y/N found herself worried about needing an invitation but there was no one at the gate or on the steps of the manor, "I guess if you're hosting secret after parties where you auction off women as a form of human trafficking you don't want a written account of who was there. If word got, out the police could get their suspect list straight off the guest list. Invitations would just be a liability," Y/N thought as she stepped out of the carriage. "Hey," Y/N called up to the driver, "You don't mind waiting a few hours, do you?" The driver took one look at her and decided it was no trouble at all. Either he didn't want a woman of class to be angry with him or he thought Y/N was definitely worth waiting on. Y/n thanked him before starting up the stairs leading to the manor's doors. She noticed that almost every lady had a date, and she was the only single one thus far. "Mental note: bring a partner next time, preferably the Undertaker or someone of the sort." Being by herself could definitely make her stand out to the Viscount, which wouldn't be a problem if that was who she was investigating. Alas that was not the case and she didn't want to appear in front of that nasty man alone. That was when a group of five people right ahead of her caught her eye. Y/N recognized Ciel's dress instantly and sped up her pace so she was walking right next to Lau. While she didn't speak to them or walk directly next to them, she looked like she was a part of their small group and was with Lau as his partner. Once they reached the door Y/N let Ciel's group slip inside before she entered right after them.

Y/N had noticed Grelle disappear almost instantly after Ciel's group began to mingle. "There goes Suspect #1," thought Y/N as Sebastian and Ciel tried to sneak away from Lizzie, "The second they had their backs turned, Grelle slipped out the doors. I hate that she's going to kill someone but there isn't anything I can do. I can't run after her and she's a reaper with a chainsaw. I know when I'm beat." Y/N sighed as she made her way over to a table with food. It was a nice place with a view of the whole ballroom where she was able to keep track of Ciel and Madam Red. Y/N helped herself to some of the horderves as she listened in on the party-goers' conversations. Not long after she began to snack did the Viscount enter the room and Y/N could feel every fiber of her being becoming hyper aware and full of disgust. Unlike Y/N however, the other women had no idea about what the Viscount did in his free time and they began to gush all about him. It was sick how much they loved him. "If only you knew," Y/N really wished they did. Human trafficking was awful and she was glad his little side hustle would be shut down.

The music picked up and couples began to make their ways over to the floor. Y/N saw Sebastian and Ciel argue before they began to dance together. Y/N managed to hold back a laugh that threatened to spill from her lips as Ciel held to Sebastian for his life. She tracked them across the dance floor as they slowly made their way to the Viscount and away from Lady Elizabeth. Not long after the song ended did Sebastian leave Ciel's side and make his way over to where Y/N and Madam Red were. Y/N turned her back to him so as to not give him a clear view of her face. With as close as he had been to killing her that morning, she knew he would remember with ease. Y/N felt a little relieved when he began to chat with Madam Red and Lau but her limbs went rigid when his footsteps sounded closer and closer. "Excuse me, milady," he practically whispered it in her ear. Y/N prayed that her makeup, hair, attire, accent and manners would make him think he had the wrong woman.

Y/N turned to face him, "Yes?"

"I don't believe we got your name this morning, when we met at the parlor," he said with one of his close eyed smiles. Y/N felt her blood turn to ice.

"I haven't the slightest idea of what you're talking about, sir," Y/N knew the game was over but that didn't mean she wasn't going to keep playing, "I would definitely remember spending my morning in a parlor."

"Oh? Well I distinctly remember seeing someone who looked exactly like you this morning. She was sleeping in a coffin and found immeasurable joy in scaring my master and his associates," He peered at her through his fake glasses, his eyes the color of blood.

"Are you accusing me of childish antics such as finding joy in the fear of others, and of doing something as obscene as sleeping in a coffin?" Y/N scoffed before brushing past him. Sebastian quickly held out an arm to catch her by the wrist.

"Your makeup was applied about two hours ago by the Undertaker, your dress is an expensive knock off made of cheap fabric and isn't properly tailored to fit you. Every jewel on your body is fake along with the cheap metal that holds it in place. You made sure to find a dress that would touch the ground so no one would see that you have cheap leather shoes on rather than heels and your gloves have a give off the slight stench of embalming fluid," He seemed quite pleased with himself because he boldly asked, "Did I miss anything?"

"Don't you have a magic show to put on?" Y/N snapped back.

"I trust you'll be awaiting my return?"

"I haven't got much of a place to hide," Y/N yanked her wrist from Sebastian's grip before assimilating once more into the crowd.

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕼𝖚𝖊𝖊𝖓'𝖘 𝕷𝖎𝖔𝖓Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu