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JULES was very nervous. She was not sure if she should go through with the plan.

"What if it goes wrong?" The nervous burnet asked her blonde friend.

"Stop thinking about the negitave! Its clear that he likes you!"

"I-im not so sure."

"Jut go! The worst that can happen is he recets you... If you just go and stop doubting yourself then you have nothing to worry about!"

"You're right! Thanks lolo, I'll be right back!"

As she walked through the halls to find her curly haired best friend, when she did. She saw him making out with the schools slut. Her name is Brittney. The girl teared up, and right before she turned around to walk away, they pulled away and he saw the teared up burnet.

"JULES!" the curly haired boy calledout as she ran off.

As she was running, she bumped into her nerd friends.

"Jules? Babes what's wrong?" Her best friend kenzie asked.

"H-he was making out w-with b-brittney" she said as tears were streaming out of her eyes and down her face.

"Jules! Why did you run off?" The curly haired oy asked as he caught up.

"I'm going home. Tell the teachers I'm sick." The heartbroken girl said.

As she walked out of school she ran home, not looking back, not stopping to walk or take a break, she ran all the way home.

Once the girl was home, she locked the door and ran up to her room.

She changed into her brothers old hoodie and some sweatpants.



Baby, are you okay?


No. He was making out with the one person he swore he would never touch.

He doesn't know how much it hurt. Not just because of what I was gonna say, but because of the promise he broke.


Aww, I'm so sorry beautiful

He's an ass and doesn't deserve you


^ true. You deserve so much better!

Just know we love you and are always here for you.



Y'all are the best


John wants to talk to you Julie

He said to tell you


Uhm, okay?


Lil sis

Hey, lolo said you wanted to talk?

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