loving realization

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"Woah, Woah, Bakubro, calm down. My skin is still sensitive I can't harden it yet," Kirishima groaned, trying to push a frantic Bakugou back into his bed.

The moment Bakugou Katsuki woke up, he began ripping the oxygen mask and needles away from his head and arms, "Where is she? Did she die? Is she okay?"

"Wha? Do you mean Y/N? Yeah, of course, she's okay! Should she not be?" Kirishima cocked his head, "When I dug you out, you were both still very much alive. Recovery Girl kissed you, and we just had to stop the bleeding on Y/N's head and she healed all by herself! Although it was very stupid of you to keep fighting and not get backup. Eraserhead and Kamui Woods ended up arresting the villain, so that's good."

Bakugou breathed with relief and stumbled forward, staggering out of the room on his unstable legs. Kirishima slid Bakugou's arms around his shoulders and helped him along. As they neared the room Y/N was currently in, they could hear both the tinkling laughs of the girls.

Kicking the door open, all the girls fell silent as they looked at Bakugou's bandaged form. All of them shooting Y/N pointed looks, they suddenly all made very loud, obviously fake excuses to leave the room. Kirishima dumped his friend onto the chair by her bedside and zoomed out, leaving the two of them together.

Y/N was sitting, propped up in the hospital bed, with a bandage wrapping around her now cleaned hair. She offered an awkward smile, "I'm alive!"

"YOU DUMBASS IDIOT!" Bakugou shouted loudly, "I TOLD YOU NOT TO COME NEAR ME! COULD YOU JUST LISTEN TO ME FOR FUCKING ONCE?" He stood up, and kicked the chair across the room, "DO YOU KNOW HOW I FELT?"

Grabbed Y/N's head, he pulled it into his shaking chest, "You fucking idiot, dumbass, stupid vampire, I fucking hate you-"

Y/N's frail arms wrapped around him, her fingers moving in a circular motion as she drew imaginary circles on his back, "But I'm still alive. Did you hear that Kiri dug us out?"

"Of course I fucking heard," he mumbled, still holding tight onto Y/N's form, "You're so stupid."

"You said that already."


He finally let go of her, and shook her by her shoulders, "What were you even thinking? You knew the rock was coming for you, so why didn't you do anything?"

"Because your dumbass was about to die! And I love you, Katsuki," she replied simply. Bakugou reeled back, his eyes clouded with confusion.

"You don't have any place to criticize me! You knew a rock was coming for you, but you told me to stop, even thought you knew that you would die if I did."

Bakugou just stared at her, "Did you just say what I think you said?"

"Probably," Y/N raised her eyebrow, "Which part?"

Instead of responding, he leaned into her, and pressed his lips against hers. This time, they were warm.

Cupping her face softly with his fingers, they melted into each other. Y/N's hesitation last time was no longer present as she dug her hand into his hair.

"Woah. Let's not have sex in the hospital bed."

Both teens broke away, their cheeks bright red and eyes flustered. Sero was leaning against the doorway, with his arm propped against the frame, "Welcome back to the land of the living."

"GET OUT! GET OUT!" Bakugou shouted, splashing the water by Y/N's nightstand onto the boy. He yelped, and jumped out of the room, slamming the door shut in the process.

Bakugou turned back to the vampire, "I love you, stupid vampire. I think I just realized it when your dumbass almost died. So-" he sighed, "So, will you date me? Be the dumb to my ass?"

"That was a shitty confession."


Y/N tapped her chin, pretending to think. Bakugou's expression dropped, thinking she might decline when she offered a huge smile, "Sure, boom boom bitch. You better treat me to ice cream later."

His face lit up slightly, before he looked away again, "That's a small thing," he said gruffly.

Y/N laughed and tugged on a lock of his spiky hair, "Denki and Mina are never going to shut up about this."


Bakugou bit down harshly on his ice cream, watching Y/N as she delicately licked her own.

"What the fuck, Katsuki? Why are you chewing your ice cream?" Y/N turned her nose up in disgust, Bakugou rolled his eyes, "Because it tastes better this way."

"No it doesn't? How are your teeth not freezing right now?"

The ash-blond glared forlornly are her, "My teeth are normal. Yours are just weak."

"I don't think I can love someone who chews their ice cream."

"That's bullshit."

"Yes sir, okay sir."

He looked up at the sky and sighed loudly, "I love you, dumbass."

"Say it again."



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