ruthlessly trained

164 14 1

Dodging Todoroki's flames, she swung her leg downward, only to be met with a large wall of ice. Her heel shattered the frozen crystals, causing the class to reel back, trying to avoid the ice. His left side was ablaze, emitting hot waves. Y/N gulped, knowing she should avoid them with utmost caution.

The entire gym was covered in small pieces of ice and burn marks, with an occasional crack in the concrete. Todoroki exhaled, his breath coming out in icy fumes. Y/N cursed him out internally, for having such a well-rounded quirk. 

As someone who she always sparred with, Todoroki has probably learned to predict her moves and somewhat keep up. His senses were always unusually sharp around her. 

Y/N dropped low, sweeping his feet out from under him. Todoroki dropped to the floor, his left side slamming onto the floor, extinguishing his flames. In that second, Y/N had rolled him onto his chest and pinned his hands under him. One hand was keeping his head suspended, while the other was pressed onto his back. Her knees were digging into Todoroki's thighs, preventing him from kicking. 

The boy gave a small huff, "Where did you learn that?"

"At my internship with Mirko!" Y/N responded, hopping off of the boy, "She fights well with hand-to-hand so I went with her."

"Y/N advances to the next round!" Aizawa shouted, pointing at Uraraka, "You're up."

Y/N's auburn-haired friend walked forward, a gentle smile drawn on her face, "Don't hold back, yeah?"

"Of course not."

The girl immediately sprang into action, her fingers brushing the stray pieces of ice that still remained on the ground. Directing them toward the vampire, she pressed her fingers together, "Release!" Y/N spun around, her silver bodysuit cutting through the air like a fish. Running toward Uraraka, she threw a jab, which Uraraka parried. Her hand wrapped around Y/N's wrist and her other hand slightly pushed her body back, her foot hooking onto the back of Y/N's knees. 

Pulling both her arm and leg back, Uraraka slammed Y/N onto the floor. The vampire curved her body up, aiming a kick at Uraraka's chin. The auburn-haired girl released Y/n, stumbling backward. She wiped her chin with a smirk. Y/N groaned, looking up to find a storm of minuscule ice crystals pelting down at her. The cold bit at her face, to the point where she was forced to shut her eyes. Out of nowhere, Uraraka's fist made contact with Y/N's nose, causing a loud crack to echo throughout the gym. 

The blue-eyed girl stumbled backward, her nose crooked and dripped with blood. Readjusting the broken bone, she immediately rushed forward, delivering a flurry of punches. 

"That's enough, Y/N," Aizawa said. She felt something wrap around her leg, sending her sprawling forward, slamming her injured nose on the floor. Letting out a grunt of pain, she pushed the bone back and pinched it, trying to keep it as straight as possible. 

Uraraka was on the floor, staring at Y/N's bloody hand. The crimson liquid dripped from her face and onto her costume, contrasting starkly against the silvery fabric. 

"OI Y/N! Why did you adjust your nose?" Sero shouted from the observer side of the gym. 

"SO IT DOESN'T HEAL CROOKED!" Y/N hollered back, accepting the tissue Aizawa gave her. Her voice was slightly raspy and nasally. 

Mina had burst into laughter, "YOU SOUND LIKE MINETA, Y/N!"

"That insult is the worst of the worst."

The auburn-haired girl linked her arm with Y/N's, "Why did you keep trying to fight even when I broke your nose? I thought I had gotten you for sure."

"I was ruthlessly trained as a kid, what did you expect?"

"Aizawa said that we can have a rematch when we both heal, or something."

Pushing the door open to the infirmary, Uraraka took a seat on the bed. 

"What the hell are you here for?"

Y/N's face lit up, "Hey Katsuki! Hey Midoriya!"


Both of the boys were on separate beds, looking unfulfilled. Izuku had his arms crossed over his chest. A large burn was inflicted on his face and his middle finger was purple. Bakugou had a similar expression, except he had a large bruise on his arm and other small scratches on his face. Both boys had blood streaming out of their ears. Recovery girl was by his side, dabbing his abrasions with antiseptic.

"Uh, what happened with your ears?"

"That stupid yellow microphone is so damn loud. He fucking yelled at us when we didn't stop fighting when he asked. The hell happened to your nose?"

Y/N jabbed a finger at Uraraka, "She punched me."

"Uraraka did that?" Izuku queried, almost in disbelief. Uraraka nodded proudly. Izuku shot her a thumbs up, "Good for you!" 

His smile faltered when he saw Y/N laughing, blood starting to soak through the tissue, "NO! It's awful that you got hurt-"

"I'm not laughing about that."

Y/n cast a glance at Uraraka's red face and winked. The auburn-haired girl dragged a finger over her throat, mouthing incoherent things. 

"Sit down and stay still!" Recovery girl screeched at Bakugou, who was so angry that steam was practically coming out of his ears. He's always hated being kissed by the school nurse, "LET ME GO, YOU OLD HAG!"

He rubbed his eyes tiredly, "Your ears are going to need time! You're staying right here until I say you can leave!"

Y/n held up her phone and pulled up the camera. Her nose was healed, but the amount of crusted blood prevented her from seeing if it was crooked. 

Grabbing a wet wipe, she began cleaning her nose. She groaned when she saw that it indeed did heal crooked. 

"Uraraka, punch me again."

The girl didn't hesitate as she swung her fist, breaking Y/N's nose again. Bakugou and Izuku both flinched from the loud crack. Y/N held three tissues of her nose this time, grabbing some medical tape and keeping her nose in place. 

"NO VIOLENCE IN THE HOSPITAL!" Recovery girl was livid, pointing a furious finger at the two girls. Bakugou smirked with amusement, "That was pretty badass."

"Oh this isn't even the worst thing she's done."

"What worse has she done?" Izuku asked, cocking his head. 

Recovery girl drew herself up, trying to appear as tall as she could, "If you're done healing, get out. Other patients need your bed! Kids these days-"

 Other patients need your bed! Kids these days-"

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