Meet the Crew

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     The Wolf Pack, or just the Wolves, are some of the most dangerous mercenaries and hired guns in the world. The mere mention of them can send shivers down the spines of even the most hardened terrorists. They show no remorse or mercy when dealing with the enemy, and have no regard for the 'Rules of Warfare'. They treat each other like family, always having each others' backs and willing to give everything to protect their own.

Pack Leader/Alpha

     His name is Marcus Johansen, and he's the leader of the Wolf Pack

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     His name is Marcus Johansen, and he's the leader of the Wolf Pack. The other squad members treat him with respect and aren't fazed by the fact that he's the youngest of all of them, being 25. Despite being so young, his track record is nothing to scoff at. At the age of 19, he joined the Navy SEALs, and became a top-ranking member of SEAL Team 6, before quitting the Navy and swapping over to the Army, joining Delta Force, and finishing their courses at the top of his class. After that, he moved on to the Russian Spetnaz, finishing all of their training and becoming a captain in a few months, shortly before his 21st birthday.

     After getting the training that he thought was necessary, Marcus went freelance and became a mercenary. After nearly dying in an ambush, he decided that he can't risk going it alone anymore. He spent a few months searching for the elite of the elite, and has founded possibly the most dangerous group of humans to ever exist. He took the name 'Pack Leader', or 'Alpha', and has been said to be the most lethal person on the planet.


     Beta was the first soldier that Pack Leader recruited

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     Beta was the first soldier that Pack Leader recruited. Her real name is Farah Karim, and she's the second in command of the Wolf Pack. Despite being slightly physically inferior to the rest of the squad due to being female, she's more than made up for it through marksmanship, speed, and tactical planning. She's extremely competitive and doesn't tolerate disrespect in the slightest. She always aims to be the best, but the fact that she can't ever seem to surpass Alpha infuriates her. Regardless if it's at the firing range, on the CQB practice mat, or even when the team takes time off and plays some video games, she can't seem to beat him.

     She was trained in the British SAS, and was given the nickname 'Little Death' because of her small stature. She's well known for taking out entire buildings full of terrorists on her own, and she used to think that she was the absolute best. Her arrogance came crashing to the ground when Alpha managed to pin her down within 3 seconds on the day they first met, when she challenged him to a quick wrestling match. Ever since then, she devoted her life to finally beating him, but hasn't been successful yet.


     Delta, or Nikolai Ivanovsky, is the group's tank/medic

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     Delta, or Nikolai Ivanovsky, is the group's tank/medic. Despite his clothes, he's actually less focused on killing the enemy and more on protecting his allies and giving out support. Of course, things can become complicated if the Wolves are pushed into a corner. If that happens, or if his allies are badly wounded, Delta loses control. His anger takes control and he goes absolutely berserk, beating and tearing the enemy apart with his bare hands.

     He was trained by the Russian Spetsnaz and actually met Alpha during his time in the service. Delta's incredible strength allowed him to easily carry extra ammunition, medical supplies, and even high-caliber weapons like 50 caliber sniper rifles. Delta was first recruited by Alpha after the big guy was being held hostage by a group of Taliban. Alpha and Beta busted in there and slaughtered everyone in the building, before helping Nikolai get outside. After a short conversation, Delta agreed to stick with the Wolf Pack while he decided whether to join. Eventually, after the Russian military stopped searching for him and dubbed him MIA, Nikolai decided to join, and has been a huge asset to the mercenary team ever since

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