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I was 16 and was only dating Mark for a couple weeks. Tall, skinny redhead from California. He was 18 year old high school drop out and was the definition of everything my parents were against. We made out, A LOT. He was deep kisser and eager groper.

It was random summer night and another random party at Aaron's house. Aaron lived with his single-parent mom in and townhome and she traveled frequently for her job. Nearly every time she did, Aaron would throw a party and he was old enough to supply the alcohol. I always found it creepy that a guy in his early 20's would always invite a bunch of teenage girls to come over to party, but it was a safe place to do whatever the hell we want. Everything was fair game.

At first it was just the usual party crowd but this time it also included a couple first timers. Mark, my new boyfriend, and a close co- worker friend Leonard, they couldn't turn down my enthusiastic invite. Leonard was the nicest person I've ever meet at work, but he was bit of a dork. Matter of fact, I questioned if I should've invited him at all but he had a car and at the time I didn't have another way to Aaron's house. He's hung out with my friends on several occasions, but I also knew everyone thought he was a bit strange. He loved getting high with us, but he would often share deeply personal stuff with us. Including the fact he was a guy in his mid-twenties and had never gotten laid. The guys would often joke Leonard and give him a hard time about this.

As soon as we arrived, we quickly made our way towards the upstairs, to Aaron's bedroom. It didn't take long before others arrived and we were all sitting on Aaron's floor smoking blunts and drinking Mad Dog 20/20. Mark and I sat next to each other the entire time, exchanging flirty looks, kissing and holding hands. A couple hours had past and I was feeling quit buzzed but not closed to being drunk.

Aaron suggested that everyone should head downstairs because the word was more people were about to show up. One by one everyone started exiting Aaron's bedroom. Mark whispered in my ear that we should stay. Seconds later it was just us. Mark lead me to a bed with no sheets or blanket, just raw mattress with a musty smell. I was totally into Mark and was probably the last of my friends who still had my virginity, and it was a personal decision but honestly I never had a real opportunity to go all the way. I tried one other time in a neighborhood alley way but the guy I was with was too drunk to get hard. Mark didn't know I was virgin until after we were done. He looked down on the raw musty mattress and saw red. For a moment he didn't know what say, but then he felt the need to hug me. I was a little embarrassed but I was relieved when he comforted me in his arms. Mark then flipped over the mattress to hide the red stains and we headed downstairs.

I wasn't the only one who lost their virginity that night, Leonard did too. His story wasn't as comforting. A group of guys paid the class whore to come over to sleep with him. Poor guy was so drunk, and when he realized what had happened, he wanted to jump off the second floor balcony. We ended up talking him out of it, of course. I heard rumors that a lot happened behind those closed doors. I heard hours later that not just Leonard had sex with that girl but many guys did, each one taking their turn. I felt bad for Leonard's first sexual experience. And the night only got worse for him.

Eventually Leonard crashed out, we all did. Apparently while we were sleeping, an unknown partier stole Leonard's car keys. When we all woke up the next morning, barely alive from massive hangovers, we walked out the door to find Leonard's car missing. Considering Aaron had a bunch of underage teens in his home, he didn't want Leonard calling the police, so he had to walk to the police station to file a report. They found the car later that day, but it was abandoned and totally wrecked. He never found out who stole it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2021 ⏰

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