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It didn't take me long to become a full-time pothead. Spending most days after school and weekends roaming through my neighborhood, while blazed out of my mind. I also became quite a pro hiding the fact I was high around my strict Christian parents, so strict I wasn't even loud to say shoot, darn, freakin or any word that remotely sounded like a cuss word. Church was practice we did every Sunday morning and mostly every Wednesday. As much as I loved getting high, I hated being high in church. My "church high" always turned quickly into paranoia.

Since my pot smoking had turn into pro level, my friends, who were equally as much as a pothead as me, decided it was time to try some acid. How cool it would be to hallucinate, we thought. Tripping. Tripping balls on LSD while listening Pink Floyd was our top priority for Friday night. The entire ordeal was planned out. It was going to be the four of us. Krista, the girl who had the LSD hookup, Crystal, Crystal's much older boyfriend, Rick and me. All four us in Rick's apartment, in the shady part of town, tripping out on Friday night. I would lie and tell my Mom is was staying the night over Krista's and we had plans to study Biology. We had the plan completely worked out in our minds and we knew our first trip would be a success.

The first moment of success came when Krista scored the acid on Friday during our lunch block at school. The last school bell rung and I raced home to pack my over night bag. The plan was for my Mom to drop me off at Krista's, and later Rick would drive by to pick us up to head to his place.

We pulled up to Krista's house in my Mom's white crown vic, I wish we could've pulled up sooner because the contemporary Christian radio station was a buzz kill for someone who didn't even had a buzz. My mom trusted me enough to give me quick good bye and I informed her when I needed to be picked the next day. Second moment of success, I got to my first destination. Now Krista and I waited for Rick to pick us up.

About an half and hour Rick showed up with his girlfriend, our friend, Crystal. Crystal rolled down the window to his Nissan Sudan and told us to get in with a smile so wide it made me question her sobriety. We go into Rick's car with no hesitation. Success number three, our epic plan is going as planned.

Crystal right away asked us if we scored the acid and we verified that we had, and she wanted to see it. Krista showed her the small baggy with 4 tiny paper squares waiting for a world we desired to discover.

We finally arrived to Rick's part of town, but he mentioned that he needed to get gas before getting to his apartment. We all agreed that would be great idea, and the rest of us can go inside the gas station to get snacks for the night. We spent some time picking out some classic pothead munchies and headed out the door. We noticed Rick's car was moved from the gas pump to the vacuum station. We all walked towards him. As we got closer we noticed Rick had a look of disbelief. He looked up at us panicked and asked where the acid was. Krista looked in her purse and couldn't find the clear baggie with the paper squares, she looked again, and looked a third time by taking each individual thing out her bag. It was no where. Krista must've dropped the bag when she showed it to Crystal.

We knew before Rick said it, the night we had planned was ruined by a simple suction of a gas station vacuum. We did everything we could to take the hose apart, we even called the 1-800 number on the vacuum tank, but we knew we wouldn't get it back. It was gone. What we thought would be our first tripping experience, was not a success.

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