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  Zoya woke up to the smell of smoke in the air. When her brain finally registered, her eyes flew open and she was on her feet in no time.

  "Zoya, where are you going?" Nikolai said groggily.
  "To the kitchen. Those idiots probably set the the house on fire."

  She sprinted down the stairs, faint screaming could be heard and soon reaching the kitchen she saw Wylan and Jesper yelling while a fire raged in the stove. She blew the fire out and in turn blew Jesper and Wylan across the kitchen. They looked at her, and their faces contracted. Clearly afraid of the face Zoya was making.

  "Hi." Wylan said sheepishly.
  "Don't 'hi' me. it's six thirty in the morning and the last thing I wanted was to be woken by your burning kitchen. What the hell happened?"
  Jesper raised his hand, "I... I tried to make eggs."
  "How the hell did making eggs catch the kitchen on fire?"
  "You clearly haven't met Jesper. He's very talented in the art of fucking everything up."
  "Hey! I take offense to that."
  Wylan turned to face him, "I love you, but you are very accident prone."

  Nikolai was now downstairs with Tolya and Tamar. At the sight of the burned kitchen, their faces turned to confusion.

  "How-" Nikolai started.
  "Jesper tried to make eggs and screwed it up" said Zoya. "I'm not helping you clean this." And with that, she turned and walked away.

  They arrived at the counsel hall around eight thirty. Their meeting room consisted of a large round table and sixteen chairs. Tamar and Tolya took spots against the wall, and when nine o'clock struck, councilman Hoede stood to begin.

  "Thank you for joking us, King Nikolai. As you know, your country has put ours endanger. We want to keep the peace, but willingness to stay this way will require more give. What's you offer?"
  "Offer? No councilman, I don't think you understand. Tell me what you want and I'll see what I can do."
  "Well, we need stronger protection as you've become a more threatening country. So any new war machines you've designed we require. Novyi Zem is hesitant to trade as are the Shu, so access to your ports and any imported goods. We also request the small fee of twenty percent of all taxes you collect."
  Nikolai laughed, "Sir, you ought to know you ask too much of me."
  "And you ought to know that the art of the trade goes to whoever has the better hand. Please Nikolai, The Shu are prepared to invade from the south, at any point Fjerda may risk an invasion and even if you were to walk out of here with everything you wanted, you have no heir to the thrown. Your dynasty might very well die with you."
  Zoya's face grew angry, "You'll have three new war models, we give you one of our ports to share, and we bump that twenty down to two."
  Hoede shook his head, "No. You see that would be good if our people weren't afraid for their safety everyday, but they are. So I'm afraid I must stick with my original offer."

  Zoya racked her brain for a way out. Wylan was right about one thing, regal negotiation tactics wouldn't get them out of this satisfied.

  "What exactly are your people afraid of Hoede?" asked Nikolai.
  "Why, if the Shu attack Ravka has no way of aiding us after the Civil War."
  Zoya's eyes narrowed. "Really? So, you aren't aware that the Shu have blockaded us out of your northern harbors?"
  "The Shu have taken over the harbor? Oh that's not good. Look, if you had some sort of guarantee that your country might one day be strong again, perhaps we could reach some other agreement but until them, I'm afraid you know the price."

  Zoya thought long and hard. A plan had formed in her head, and she was positive it would end up amongst her list of horrid ideas. She was going to regret what she did next, but if it meant saving Nikolai and Ravka, then so be it.

  "Well unfortunately for you, we actually do have a way to secure Ravka's future."
  "You do?" said Hoede surprised.
  "We do?" Nikolai said, even more surprised.
  "Yes. Because I'm pregnant, with the kings baby."
  Hoede look angry "You are?"
  Nikolai looked shocked, "You are?"
  Zoya shot Nikolai a look, "Yes. I am. I didn't tell you because I wanted it to be a surprise."
  He gave a half laugh, then lowered his voice, "Zoya, don't you think there's been enough surprises?"
  "I think this surprise will save our asses. So shut up and be happy."
  Zoya looked back at the council and spoke up, "I'm pregnant with an heir. So Ravka's future is secured, and our path back to stability ensured.  I do however ask you not to tell anyone. As, Nikolai is not set to marry me. I now request you drop your requests to the ones I proposed in exchange for this information."

  Hoede created a sidebar for a few moments, before grumpily coming back.

  "Fine, Kerch agrees to your terms. But if we ever feel unsafe again we reserve the right to bump up our safety requirements."

  They walked out of the conference with two treaties signed. One for Ravka, and one for Kerch. On their walk back to Wylan's, Nikolai couldn't stay silent.

  "What happens in nine months and you don't give birth? What happens when we reach Ravka and the people ask who I'm set to marry? Because you know the Kerch will expect a royal wedding to soon follow."
  "For starters, we make a copy of the deed and give it to Kaz Brekker. If when the time comes, Kerch wants to destroy their copy and act as if ours was forged, Kaz will find a way to place the copy in as proof Kerch lied."
  "And what makes you think that barrel rat will do anything for us?"
  "We're going to tell him about a few of our secure locations. He won't spread the news because despite being a deceptive little parasite, blackmail on the richest man in Ravka is worth more than watching you get torn down."
  "Of course. Well what about problem number two?"
  "We lie. Say she wasn't willing to marry and it got canceled, or she married someone else and left you for them. It doesn't really matter."
  "Okay, when exactly did you plan this out?"
  "I've had the rough idea in my head sense you first told me you didn't know what you were doing. But I wasn't sure if it would even work until Hoede mentioned you and your heir."
  "And you failed to mention this because?"
  "Because if you had known about it, your reaction would've been fake, and despite your appearance as Sturmhond, you play surprised horridly." Nikolai shook his head. "I think a thank you is in order. I just saved your ass and your country."
  "My fierce beautiful Zoya, how can I ever thank you for saving me?"
  "I hear the boat ride back will be cause for a lot of free time. I'm sure we'll find plenty of ways you can help me then."

  When arrived back at the house Tolya and Tamar went and packed everything. Jesper and Wylan greeted them and Zoya explained what they needed done.

  "Okay. I'll send you back the original copy once I've made the duplicate." Wylan said.
  "Thank you."

  The walk back to the boat felt long but freeing. Sure, once they arrived back home her mind would be cluttered again. Ravka was still broken and Zoya would need to fix it, but at least she had a Ravka to go home to and fix. The fear of the sea journey ahead of them scared her, but they'd done it once, they could do it again, and with Tolya and Tamar back and stronger than ever, Zoya had no doubt those sea monsters would flea instead of attack. As the ship departed, she slid into Nikolai's arms.

  "Can I tell you something?" she asked.
  "All saints if you say you're actually pregnant, I love you, but we do not need a baby right now."
  She looked up at him, "You love me?"
  "These past couple of days have taught me not to be afraid of what might happen. So yes, I love you."
  Zoya smiled, "I love you too. And to calm your fears no, I'm not pregnant."
  "Well then what did you want to tell me?"
  "A little before we left, I promised myself you would not be my downfall. That no matter what, I'd remain strong and ignore you."
  Nikolai laughed, "How's that going for you?"
  "Not well, I'll admit. But now, I think that was stupid thinking of me in the first place. Fear has no right when death looms near by anyways."
  "I couldn't agree more."

  She leaned up and kissed him. Okay, she thought, he was my downfall, but he'll sure as hell also be my uprising.

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