How to creep cats (people) out

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1. Stand in the corner, not moving until someone asks why. Don't answer. Only sigh

2. Make your kids walk home from school. Make sure people are watching. Drive up to them in a white car and ask your kids, "Hey! Want some candy?" Let them get in and drive away. Watch the horrified faces of people watching you.

3. Sing "Gangnam style" really softly, but loud enough for someone to hear. Stare at them until they notice you.

4. Ask somebody what their iguana's middle name is

5. Wrap yourself in blankets and scream, "Help! I've become a burrito!"

6.  Cry, point into the sky, then say, "Curse you, Spanish clouds!"

7. Smile (open mouth) with eyes wide and stare at somebody until they look at you

8. Hang of the side of a three-foot cliff and say, "Brother, help me!" (from Lion King)

9. If there's ever a blackout for a short period of time, scream, "The aliens are back!"

10. Trip somebody, and when they ask why, accuse your foot (that you tripped them with) that it told you to

11. Hop around like a bunny, and repeat over and over, "Bunnies are killers."

12. Have long conversations with your toothbrush about politics. 

13. Stare at your blank TV for 20 minutes.

14. When you toss trash away, laugh evilly and rub hands evilly at the trash you'd thrown away

15. Ask somebody, "Why so serious?" with evil grin

16. Walk up to someone waiting for a flight at the airport and say very calmly "don't get on the plane," and then walk away. 

17. Go into a bank and scream "Everybody freeze!" pause for a moment and then say "because I just lost my contact lenses!"

18. Open up large bag, then say inside it, "We'll be there soon." Close it back up and look straight ahead.

19. Laugh uncontrollably for a few moments, then stop and stare blankly like nothing happened.

20. In a bathroom stall, don't peek over the stall, but say, "I seeee yoooou."

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