She thanks him and takes her seat, waiting for him to do the same. He goes through the packet of papers, initialing and signing in the appropriate places underneath Mr. Stringer's previously signed name and slides the packet and pen over for her to do the same.

Everyone claps when she finishes and passes the packet over to one of Bighit's lawyers and she and Bang PD shake hands.

"Congratulations Luna. I look forward working together. Why don't you go ahead and tell them the name of your label," he says and she nods.

"I decided to name the label "Galaxy Records" after my fanbase," she replies after picking up her microphone again.

"Beautiful name. Let's go ahead and start taking questions," he says, gesturing for the first journalist to speak.

They were all sitting in chairs, three rows of five staggered so they could see each of their faces.

"Hello, my question is for Luna. First of all congratulations. I just want to ask what we can expect from you and your label. Will you be putting out music yourself or signing other artists?" the first journalist asks.

"Thank you. As of right now, what you can expect is me putting out a very special project by the end of the year. I haven't put much thought into signing other artists, but maybe in the future when I have more time on my hands," Luna answers.

The woman thanks her and passes the mic to the man beside her, who fumbles with the mic for a second before getting everything settled.

"Sorry. My question is for Luna as well. If I understand correctly, your fanbase name was the Moonbeams. What was the thought process behind changing it to the Galaxy?" he asks.

"The past 2 to 3 years haven't been the best for me musically. Earlier this year, I decided not to re-sign with my old label due to loss of creative control. I was very dissatisfied with my last EP and album because it didn't feel authentic to me. So, I was thinking of ways I could make it up to my fans—who supported me despite this—and it just came to me one day. Now that I'm no longer restricted, I feel that the sky isn't even the limit for me anymore and the fandom made it possible for me to feel this way, so I felt they deserved not to be limited as well. In the Galaxy, they can be whatever and whomever they want. The possibilities are infinite in space—which led me to my slogan. The Galaxy—where the possibilities are infinite."

-Journalist #3
"That's a very nice slogan. It seems very hopeful. Is that a theme that we should look for in your project—hopefulness?

"Thank you. There will definitely be some inspirational songs that I'll put out, but I want this project to have an array of themes and genres so not every song will be," she replies.

-Journalist #4
"Hello. Luna, it's no secret that you've been making waves here in Korea. The latest wave is because you broke the record for highest and fastest selling magazine in the world. Congratulations, I'm sure requests for you are off the charts right now, but how will you balance fashion and music?"

"Thanks. What I've learned from experience is that as long as my fashion contracts aren't restrictive—such as having specific dates and times to adhere to or forbidding me to work with other designers—then balancing both worlds is no problem. I've never worked with a designer not willing to work around my schedule."

-Journalist #5
"Hello. My question is also for Luna. Ever since you and BTS have revealed your soulmate status, you've been met with a significant amount of public outrage—so much so that you, BTS, and Bighit were accused of boosting sales—which proved to be false. How did you deal with this and how do you think it will effect your music in any way?"

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