Set up

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"Emily you're next" mother said cheerfully, ignoring the whines and arguments from Liz behind her. Emily didn't talk much but she didn't need to talk for everyone to know she was uncomfortable. "Emily no" Liz exclaimed weakly. Emily was smarter and more logical so she reluctantly laid down, tear in her eye. Mother strapped the diaper on to her.  "good girl" Mom cooed "Now Liz, its time for your punishment " she grabbed Liz and pulled her over her knee.  SLAP. SLAP. SLAP. She put me down. I was so scared, i didn't know what was going on. I didn't want to be in a diaper. "I will make some rules now, Rule one: never ask to use the restroom, use the diapers like a good baby, Rule two: You will listen to whatever i say, Rule three: No walking only crawling, Rule four: You wont take off anything i put on you unless i say so. Listen to these rules unless you want to be severely punished." (liz pov btw) I didn't want to listen but i knew she could come up with much worse punishments than just spanking so i didn't say anything. She left soon and left us in the room alone.

        "What are we going to do!" I asked, urgently. "i think we just go along with it" emily answered, almost crying. I stand up and rattle the door, "ITS LOCKED" i yell. i collapse to the ground crying about how unfair this was. The door opens and Mother comes in with a bag. "I installed baby monitors around the entire house so i can see what you do. i saw you stand up so that means you get a punishment. All punishments for breaking any of the rules are equal so im not gonna hold back." I kept crying but softer now, hoping to not madden Mother. "i have the punishment in this bag" Mother said. She pulled out an object that looked like... "MOM IS THAT AN ENEMA" I yelled. I wanted to cry but it was just to unbelievable to do anything. i just lay motionless staring in aww up at my Mother. "sit still or ill get another punishment." i did and she put it up my butt and squished the liquid up my butt. I waited a couple minutes and all of a sudden a wave of shit came crashing out of my butt, filling the diaper in seconds. i fell backward, squishing the poop against my butt. "ill clean that up for you you little stinky baby."  My Mother untaped my poopy diaper and i started crying, looking at the messy, stinky poop that is now in my diaper. She took it off and cleaned my crotch and sprinkled a generous amount of baby powder before putting the dirty diaper in the diaper genie. "Go to bed little ones" Mother said as she put a onesie on emily, then me. she picked us both up and put us in the large crib on the side of the room. she put our pacifier gags on and tucked both of us into the same crib. She walked away and turned off the lights. "Good night little ones"

Give me suggestions on what happens next (if you suggest a punishment also suggest why she got punished please)

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