Chapter 14: All is Well

Start from the beginning

Azazel hums in relief as she takes off the tense off of her shoulders, hugging you after for a chuckle to escape from your lips at this as your hand run through her hair.

Y/N: "There's no need to worry little angel." You comforted her.

Meanwhile, someone in particularly a trio had been watching with a hint of jealousy in their eyes. One of them trails off from the two and proceeds upstairs. Ceberus was Beelzebub's favorite little pet girl, back at the time she would be there often be seen playing and snuggle with the three hounds. They would do anything that she asks.

And she was gonna tell her something that she wouldn't be fond off.

Back downstairs, that moment after Azazel made her leave to go back to her research and you still sat on the very same chair. Although there was something in your mind that you wanted to do. Maybe it's time to catch up with your close friend Evie, but you cursed to yourself for not catching up to her. But you had your reasons anyway.

In short words. You're a very bad friend. And husband..?

You contacted Evie and waited for less than a minute for her to pick up her phone.

She lives at an condominium complex, which is just an hour away from you. Living by herself most of the time from the beginning since she bought and granted ownership of the condo it has been rather lonely.

You would occasionally visit her and stay there for a day or two and that made her have this sense of attention, care, affection, and someone to talk to who knows that they truly are there. But she knows where the line was drawn though she didn't want it to and was hoping to cross that when the time is right.

Evie picked up her phone when she noticed that you were the one calling her. In fact, this was her first call for the day other than her parents.

Evie: "Hello?"

Y/N: "Evie! Hey uhh.. Sorry for not calling you for these past two weeks I was busy with a lot on the house lately rather than.. work." You press the mute button on your call as you facepalm'd yourself. "Fuck that felt like a little lie..." Distressingly saying before unmuting yourself.

Evie: "O-oh.. It's alright, atleast you called me today, is everything alright there? Especially since two weeks ago when you suddenly called in a panic?"

You immediately remember that with Evie and it was something that you did not want to recall from that time.

Two weeks ago...

In the midst of the middle of the night, running up the stairs and on to your room you locked the doorknob and swiftly hid in the closet with your phone in hand contacting Evie first in an attempt to acknowledge that you were in danger. Waiting for a full minute, she finally answered.

Evie: "Y-Y/N... Why are you-"

Y/N: "Evie! Help! I have a damn succubus that's trying to kill me!" Silently shouting before hearing loud knocks on your door.

Evie: "It's two in the morning.. Have you gotten any sleep..?" Grumbling from her immediate rouse. "And what are you talking about-"

The door was forced open as Modeus steps and starts scanning the room for you. First she checks the bed, removing the bedsheet and investigating it under it until very last thing that she needed to see and that is the closet. You cursed under your throat and soon she opens the closet and sees your cowardly attitude with those glowing red hearts on her pupils.

Modeus: "There you are.." She drools. "Now you're never getting away to taste my love..."

You hang on for dear life after that. Her sledgehammer on her hands and a lustful scent from her. It wasn't going to go well.


Y/N: "Oh.. That. I would've lost my legs if it weren't for... someone to save me there."

Evie: "And who's that someone?" She asked with a hint of suspicion.

You cursed at yourself from that, you can't say that a demon saved you because it would sound ridiculous and unbelievable and would feel like more of an obvious lie to her. So coming up with an excuse that would persuade her can be the only option that you can think of.

Y/N: "I was.. Drunk. So my roommate came in and calm me down from my... Hallucination from that time."

Replying to that, Evie becomes quiet for a while but you can hear a coherent irritating hum from the phone.

Evie: "You know you shouldn't be drunk at the middle of the night like that. You could have gotten worse from that if you kept that up." She said disgruntingly.

Y/N: "Well that's gonna be the first and last time I'll be doing that."

Evie: "Do you promise?"

Those words. Back in the old days, she would always say that whenever she wanted something with you and her. Those small promises is what kept her trust on you and for her to look up on. A promise is a promise, and for her, you can never say no.

Y/N: "Of course. It's a promise." You smiled as you did an air pinky swear.

But little did you know, she did the same too.

You continued talking each other for the next few minutes until she hanged up when she needed to have something done, but she did say that she may want to call you again at an unspecified time. After that, you still kept that smile.

But on your head lies on something below. It feels warm and rounded like beach balls. You looked up for you to be faced with a pair of breasts.

What the fuck... Why. WHY.

The Fly sees this as she giggles quietly as you quickly stood up from your chair. You tried to apologize for that but she puts a finger between your lips gesturing for you to be quiet. Three of the hounds appear from behind her back with jealousy on their faces.

Beelzebub: "You didn't give them a few good pats on the head for a while. Now they're saying, wanting it. Isn't that right my little hounds?"

The three of them nod in agreement.

A quiet chuckle escapes your lips as you made your way to the three, petting each of three and caressing them affectionately almost if they were like your daughters who wants some attention from their parent.

Ceberus slowly became satisfied with each pet, pat, caress, and fondling from you.

You looked at Beelzebub, a smile at her face as she makes her way to you, planting a kiss on your cheek making you blush a bit.

The day goes on.

It seems All is Well.


Not gonna lie, listening to the Caretaker's album "Everywhere at the End of Time" hits different when writing this. Lol..? Hollow.

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