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Not knowig what to do, Anakin and Y/n stare at the big group of batteldroids. "Maybe we should.."
"Yeah we should." After agreeing to finally do something, the two of them attack the droids. It takes them longer than before but soon this group was destroyed as well. "Wasn't too bad."
"There are more ships landing near the house. Get back there." Y/n and Skywalker nod to eachother and run back to the house they were at before.

As soon as they arrive they see Ahsoka and a few clones waiting there for them. "Ready to destroy some clankers?" Ahsoka smiles at the two friends. "Always." Y/n responds with a grin,her hand resting on the hilt of her saber. Suddenly the backdoor of the house next to them opens and two people walk out. They look confused and look at everyone with wide eyes. It's clear that they have no idea of who the jedi and clones in their backyard are and why they are here.

"Who..are you..Why are you in our backyard." Just as Ahsoka wants to start explaining, her master stops her. "Not the right time, snips. We have to get rid of those clankers before they destroy more things than Y/n did with her crashing."
"Really? You start to talk about that again? It's not my fault." Y/n protests ,annoyed by Skywalker bringing the crash up again. "Whose fault is it supposed to be then?" He turns towards her and raises his eyebrow. "Your fault." Y/n stares at him,clearly mad at him. "Shouldn't we concentrate and go get those clankers?" Ahsoka carefully trys to stop the two of them from arguing. "Yeah we should. " With that Y/n turns away from Anakin after glaring at him one last time. He rolls his eyes before walking towards the location of the droids.

"Why are you two always arguing?" Y/n shrugs at Ahsokas question,while following Anakin. "He's always been like that." Ahsoka nods and decides to just leave it by that as she follows Y/n. Soon the two of them catched up with Anakin and they all walk next to eachother silently.

Soon after they reach their destination and are greeted by an army of droids. They immediately start shooting at the heros. The three jedi reflect the blasts easily,while the clones are shooting back at the clankers.
The fight goes on for a while until all battledroids are destroyed.

On their way back ,the three jedi walk next to eachother ,chatting.
"What's your count ,Master?"
"You won again?" Ahsoka sighs as she turns her head towards to ground and continues.
"I got only 17..." Y/n grins and turns to her friends. "27." Anakin and Ahsoka look at her in surprise.
"I won." Her grin get's wider as she proudly walks past her two friends. "She is unbelievable.." Anakin mumbles under his breath as he follows her.

Back with the house owners, the three jedi explain everything to them. Ready to set off and get back to the fleat,they get a transmission from Obi Wan.

"Dookus ship was spotted entering the planets athmosphare. Stop him before he starts any trouble.I will send the approximate cordinates to your astromechs."
"Alright ,Master.We're on it." Kenobi ends the transmisson and Anakin immedately turns to R2 and asks for the cordinates,immediately after mumbling ."And where the hell is that supposed to be?"

"Maybe we could ask those two to help us." Y/n says and points at the residents. "Right. They can show us where this is." Anakin walks towards them but Y/n stops him. "Wait. How exactly do they show us?" Anakin turns towards her with a raised brow. "We take them with us?"
"Are you crazy?We can't take them with us." Skywalker responds with rolling his eyes. "They will stay in the ship. They just have to show us were to go. Nothing will happen."
"I don't think we should take them with us...It's too dangerous for them."
"Y/n,I know what I'm doing and I think I have more experiance then you do. Also,what else should we do? This is the only way to catch Dooku in time."
"Excuse me? Just because you have been training longer than me doesnt mean I don't know what I'm doing. I am not a kid anymore ,Anakin. And to the question to what else we should do. We give them a comunicator and this way they can tell us where to go. But I know you are to stubborn to listen to other ones ideas." Y/n turns around and walks away from Anakin.

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