Chapter 7

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"So how does it feel to be Mrs. Asmani Yuvraj Singh?" I teased Asu as she was sitting on UV bhai's bed. She lifted her head and we saw her tear-stained face. Oh no. I wrapped her into a tight hug and she cried her eyes out.

"Asu, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Anvi, I'm not ready. What if he asks for a husband's rights?" she sobbed. She doesn't want to have... well IT yet.

"Hey, shhh. It's ok...just tell him. He will still love you. And if not I can tell him. He never says no to me. And I trust him. He would never do anything without your permission. After all, he" I caressed her hair. Poor thing, she truly doesn't wanna hurt him.

"Can you?" I nodded and told her I am stepping out to talk to him.

Luckily I met him in the corridor. 

"Bhai, we need to talk" I spoke.

"Don't worry, Anvi, I am not gonna do anything without her approval. And anyway, our relationship is more than just lust" he said. I'm so proud of him.

"I'm so proud of you" I stood up on my toes and planted a kiss on his turban. "Ok now go" he nodded and started walking off.


Karan and I entered the dining room.

"Good morning Bhabz," we said at the same time.

"Bhabz?" Asu asked.

10 minutes later, Kirna and Naman entered the room.

We said our good mornings and they sat down and started eating.

I sat down at the table.

"No. Wait for your veerji" Asu swatted Naman's hand that was hovering over the poha.

"So tell us, when will we be bua's chacha and fuffad?" I teasingly asked me. Asu looked down blushing.

"Do you want me to hit you?" UV bhai entered the room.

Naman dug into the poha earning a slap upside his head from mami.

"You moron. The first bite always goes to the husband. It's our family tradition" she scolded.

Kirna was literally smirking at Naman.

I giggled at their childish antics.

Asu quickly got up and started serving veerji.

He pulled her down on the chair next to him but she instead landed on his lap.

"Sit na. It's your respective seat" Karan said before they all broke down laughing.

"Oye Karan, don't talk to my bhabz like that" Naman hugged Asu's waist.

"So Asu, do you have your lengha ready for tonight's reception?" I asked. She nodded.

We all began our own conversations as we ate breakfast.

The sad thing is, I'll be leaving for Mumbai soon. Meaning, I'll have to leave everything all over again.

My family, friends, and Hoor.


"Dadu, dadi, I need to speak with you. In private"

The three of us went into their bedroom.

I took a deep breath.

"I know who I want as Hoor's mother" dadi's face lit up.

"Who?" Dadu asked.


Look at how beautiful the wall is

While dadi looked happy, dadu looked furious.

"No!" Dadu exclaimed.

"Why not, Inder?" Dadi asked.

"I will not have my granddaughter be known as the second wife. She deserves to be happy. She deserves to have her own family"

"Can you just talk to her about getting married?" Dadi sighed. Dadu sighed and nodded.

"But, I won't force her into anything"

Dadi and I nodded.


"Anvi! Puttari come here!" nanu called out for me.

Karan and I decided to stay in Delhi for a little while longer so I wouldn't miss the family as much.

I ran out of the kitchen and into the den.

"Hanji nanu" I sat down next to him.

"Puttari, your nani and I have been thinking it's time for you to get married" said a very calm nanu.

My eyes widened and I began coughing.

"Nanu, I don't know if I'm ready" I honestly replied.

"No, it's one hundred percent okay. I don't want to force you into anything"

Ugh! I love him so much!

I hugged him and kissed his cheek before we decided to watched my birthday video from a few years ago.


After Anvi left the room, I decided to ask nanu what she had said about marrying me.

"What happened dadu?"

"I told her she does not need to get married if she doesn't want to and I did not mention the fact that you want to marry her" he shot me a glare.

"Dad is one hundred percent correct" Bhua entered the room

"Ansh, you have your own child. Tanvi needs to be loved and cared for. You're always busy in work. She will have to handle all of her responsibilities along with taking care of Hoor. I don't agree with this relationship unless Anvi does." Bhua said. "You either win her heart or forget all about her"

"I can't forget about her" I said.

I can never forget about her.

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