That and Even More Part 2 (Tzuyu)

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Yearshave past. My little baby, Destiny, is about to celebrate her 10thbirthday. We invited her grand parents for this and we are about topresent her the beautiful birthday cake we bought her.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday Des-ti-ny! Happy birthday to you!!!

Sheblow over the candles as I took my phone to take a picture of her.

Happy birthday, my baby, said Tzuyu giving her a big kiss on the cheek.

Did you make a wish? , asked her grand-mother.

Actually no. Because my wish must be said out loud to be fullfilled.

Weall looked at her with confusion.

Mommy, Daddy. It's been so much time we didn't got proper holidays. So that's my wish.

What do you mean by proper holidays? You went to a trip in Ayers Rock last year, I said.

Yes, but it was with Grandma and Grandpa. It was fun, but I want to have this kind of trip with you this year. Both of you.

Tzuyuand me we looked each other.

Well I guess she's right, it's been a long time we didn't had a nice trip just the three of us, said Tzuyu embarassed.

Yeah. But it's complicate. We have so much work to do.

Destinywent upset.

You have to find a way!

Destiny don't take it like this. We're going to try.

Do or do not, but there is no try, she said before getting up and run to her bedroom.


Did she just quoted Yoda from Star Wars?, commented my father.

Tzuyuand me exchanged a look. We were both embarassed about the situation.

Theday after. Tzuyu and me, we walked into Destiny's bedroom.

'Tiny can we talk to you?

Yes sure.

Weseated on the bed with her.

Your Mom and me we talked a lot yesterday after you got upset about us never getting on a trip together.

I miss you. That's why I got upset. I do many fun things with Grandma and Grandpa, but it's not the same.

You got all the best reasons to be upset, baby. We realised that we were so monopolize by our respective jobs.

So monopolized that we didn't realise we've been neglecting you, completed Tzuyu.

I called my office. They somehow confirmed that you were right, in other words of course. I got two weeks of break time for the next summer break.

Really! And you Mommy?

I'm working on the drawings of the next collection of my brand. It can be done from everywhere on the planet.

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