The Anonymous Prize Part 2 (Nayeon)

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So I thougt everything was going to work well. 3 years have past but in the end Nayeon and me were forced to separate. I could blame JYP Entertainement or anyone else that was involved in the show business but I'll be lying to me, because in the end the thing that separated us, was more a pack of all the little problems you get dating a Idols, when you are not one yourself: the regular travels, the bussy schedules, the lassitude of all this. She finally got seek of not seeing me more, and counter hearted she choose to break up with me. She said it was not her or me just the complications and honestly I couldn't blame her for that, she made a tough decition for both of us that went the better in the end.

I'm still single 3 years after and honestly I'm fine. I'm still living in Korea because as I said to Nayeon, it was easier for me to live there than Japan. I still work for Ubisoft and as I'm single I dived into work a lot more recently. I got a acting training to be able to do some dubbing and most of all dubbing direction. So now I don't just do the translation, I can also direct the comedians who do the voice over for the video games. It mostly means that I have to travel back and forth between Korea and Japan now since the recording studios are in Tokyo. It reminds me in a way the travel I use to do in the other way when I travelled for my plessure to Korea before dating with Nayeon.

I'm working hard on the new Assassin's Creed actually, witch takes place in the korean Jeseon era and involve a lot of characters, specially the hero's wife witch is a important part of the scenario. The young lady is going to be voiced in japanese by a celebrity, but the producers didn't called me for the casting sessions, just for the direction of the dubbing, so I don't know who I'm gonna work with. They called me back to Tokyo in the recording studios and I'm going to be there for a month, the time to do all the recording with all the comedians. I then putted my appartement in Seoul on airBNB and will be living at the hotel in Tokyo. Lucky me I don't have pets to take care of, it would be a bit complicated.

Anyway, I was early in the recording studio n°4 witch will be my "kingdom" for a month. Hanzo the sound engineer is not there yet, but as I get in the darkness of the studio a voice stopped me, right away. A voice that I knew from before.

- Y/N? Y/N-oppa?

- Myoui Mina? It's been so much time! What are you doing here?

We hugged friendly.

- I could ask you the same. I thougt you were living in Seoul anyway, since you and Nayeon-unnie broke up.

- I still do, but I'm doing back and forth travel every 6 month to direct recordings.

- You direct comedians for the video games dubbing, now? That's great! Wait! Are you doing this in the Studio 4?

- Yes, why? Noooo! Are you by the greatest luck the "celebrity" they casted to do the japanese voice of Yong Doona.

- Yes I am!, she said with a big smile, We're working together! It will be so fun!

- Yeah, right! But come with me I offer you a coffee first.

- Ok.

We got our hot drinks and got back to the Studio 4 to talk in private.

- So what's up with the girls? Since you disbanded last year I didn't had news from each one of you.

- Sana and Momo like me went back to Japan. Momo is soon doing the opening of her dance studio to teach future Jpop trainees. Oh she will get married to Kim Heechul next year!

- No way that's awsome!

Sana is about to lauch her beauty care brand "Shanaya". And I'm working on a actress career as you can see.

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