Chapter Three - Kawaragi Risa

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I sit at the edge of the high railings from a broken cargo ship, wearing the uniform that Senju gave me the night before. I wore a mask and put the hoodie over my head to cover up my face as per Senju's instructions. But I only can roughly see what's going on from where I sit. The lights are too dim and my surrounding are too dark for me to even notice a silhouette that appears behind me.

Tonight supposes to have the meeting between the three gangs, at an abandoned port. The tension is clearly on when all the gang leader shown up, stand close to each other. The fight was inevitable. Soon it broke and went on for hours before the situation toned down after one of the group left the scene.

"Kawaragi Senju."

Senju doesn't reply when the Kantou Manji gang leader, Sano Manjirou, calls out his name.

That man walks closer, leaning in and whispering something.

"You seem a bit anxious, rushing like this. Is it because the 'extra member' that you bought tonight?"

He smirks.

"You shouldn't let people found out your weakness."

Sano Manjirou takes a few steps back and stares at Senju.

"You're wrong."

Senju's tone is calm as usual.

"Am I?"

"Stop acting you knew everything. It's disgusting."

Sano Manjirou laughs.

"I really like you. You have guts."

He whistles a signal.

As soon as his signal being heard, I'm being dragged from few meters distance and force to my knees when they stop. They've stuffed my mouth and blindfold my eyes with a cloth before, so I can't see what's happening.

"What's the meaning of this, Mikey?"

I can hear Akashi's voice speaks out.

"Stop interfering us, Brahman. This is just a greeting."

I don't recognize that voice but he stands right beside me, so I suppose its Mikey. I keep listening since they brought me here so I heard all of their conversations. Someone else grab my arm so I can stand. He then back hugged me, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Too bad you're Brahman's. You're totally my style."

He whispers right into my ear, so close that I can feel his lips touching my ear.

"Don't push your luck, Sanzu."

I can hear Benkei's loud voice from across me.

"Uh oh, I'm so scared."

That man is clearly tries to make Senju or the rest of the gang angry so I muster up my courage and throw an elbow to that man's side. It's one of the self-defense techniques that Senju teached me. I've been waiting for the right chance to do this. It's definitely a success because he releases me almost immediately and groan.

Before I can do anything else, I'm being pulled by a familiar arm.

"Are you okay, Risa chan?"

Benkei asks while helping me removes the blindfold and cloth that stuffed in my mouth. Wakasa and Akashi are both standing in front of us, blocking the way so no one can come nearer.

Senju's still standing in his position, seems to be unfazed by what is happening.

"Damn! I'm getting excited! I love bold girls like you!"

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